road block on pictures?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
ok. i went and got myself a web page and got signed up. i put a picture up on the web page and that worked, but i can't figure out how to put pictures into the photo album? i'm sooooo close. i am spose to store pictures there and then transfer pictures to my posts right? like i said, i am digitaly challanged.<br /> derwood<br />P.S. helppppppppppppp :mad:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: road block on pictures?

Hi Derwood<br /><br />It's just a matter of getting the right gung fu with your mouse and keyboard, pleasing the Microsoft gods...and there's no turning back.<br /><br />1. Go to your fancy new website and view the picture that you want to load onto iboats.<br /><br />2. Click on the picture with the right mouse button and see a little menu pop up.<br /><br />3. Select "Properties" from the menu.<br /><br />4. Now you should seen some information about the picture. What you want is the URL and how you get it, is to drag the mouse over it from one side of it to the other - while holding the left button down. This should highlight the URL text. Now click on the highlighted text with the Right Mouse button and select "Copy" from the pop up menu.<br /><br />5. Now go into iboats and enter a new post and press the "Image" button.<br /><br />6. Right click the edit box of the little pop-up window and select "Paste". This will copy the URL of your picture into the box.<br /><br />7. Save it - and there's your picture. You can preview it first if you want.<br /><br />Good luck...<br /> ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: road block on pictures?

so what your saying is that i can't actualy put pictures (multipal) into the photo album thats already there on the web sight and i have to put a new picture on the opening web site page and then send them to my posts, changeing the front page picture every time i want to send one? theres got to be a way to send pictures to the photo album does'nt there. it would be kinda silly to have it there if you could'nt. when i click on one of my pictures in my computer it don't say nothen about sending them to any web site, nor dose it say when i click on the photo album on my web site anything about getting pictures from my home computer. now you are probly figuring out digitaly challanged i realy am. website 101 was not a class they taught at redneck U . least not in my section of the sticks. enlighten me oh digital one. am i going to have to go back out to the alter of sacrifice and throw a couple of floppy disks and a mouse pad on the fire to please the microsoft gods as well :confused: <br />derwood.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: road block on pictures?

Derwood - Yes you should be able to load lots of photos on to your web page and then connect any number of them back to iboats using the method I described above. My method only links the files that already reside on your other server back to the iboats site. It sounds like your question is how to physically move the files from your 'puter to the web server. Once there - they need no more transfering - only linking.<br /><br />Whoever you set your web site up with, will usually have some way for you to upload pictures from your computer to the web server. This is often done using an "FTP program" (stands for File Transfer Protocol), OR they might have a link or button that you click on their website for "uploading files" or "uploading pictures". I recommend you read the instructions of the other web site carefully for details of uploading files and/or pictures.<br /><br />Let me know if you have trouble with what they're saying. I may be able to translate.<br /><br />I don't think many people realise that what you see on your browser may well be a combination of pictures, graphics and files all coming from different web servers around the world. Your browser fits it all together into one picture. For example, whenever I post a picture to iboats, I use a local NZ based server (called, so what you see from me is in fact coming direct from the other side of the world - not from iboat's server. :rolleyes: All iboats server has is a link to the picture on my server - that link is in fact the URL which looks somthing like this <br /><br />As for the Microsoft gods, I'd say given your luck with the fishing gods you should stay well away from them, don't even look in their direction - lest they strike you down with the "Blue Screen of Death" :eek: and put the blame on you for not having the right patches... :confused: No, let's not go there...<br /> :( <br /><br />Hope this helps... :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: road block on pictures?

You didn't say where your site is but fishingworks is very easy. Click on photo album. Click on add photo (scroll over to the right, it might not show up on your screen). Click browse to find the picture in your computer. Click open and enter. Should upload the picture to your album. Once it is uploaded click on the picture to view it full size. Right click and click on properties. Highlight, copy, come back here to post. Start your reply, click image located down at the bottom of the page. Hit delete to removae the http etc, click paste. Click on preview post , if you like it click add reply.<br />Mike<br /> :)


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: road block on pictures?

oooooo k, that was all good but i'till take me a little while to decipher that. was that greek? ha,ha. i will have to read it a couple of times though. yea mg i went to the httz./%whoseywhat thing that you gave me on the pic. test post. and that was simple. and i got to put a picture on my main page there but after that..... if you know how to find me on there i put up a picture of my offical shoafin grand master( my grandpa, picture taken in pennseltuckey, circa 1950 or so.)by the way i did color that picture myself. what the heck is a "circa" anyway. i see it on a lot of old pictures. well i am going to go there in a few minutes to see what i can hammer out(BFH). you guys are going to have to be a little patient with me here. you can teach an old dog new tricks but you have to teach him slooow. as for the micro soft gods... i pissed them off many moons ago and till now i think that the fish gods were stepping in on my behalf lest they might call on their vast leigons of redneck fisherman armys to venture forth and perge the mortall relm of all but simple calculators and cash registers.(later being used to buy beer and bait) but given the recent events concerning my stature with the fish gods, all bets are off. case in point: yesterday when i tried to go on line to check this post i found that my brother-in-laws girlfreinds dad came over and put an electric line from my power pole to my pool pump and cut my phone line. as soon as the phone was back up and running (today) i had my wife call the boat docter and found out that my boat will not be ready for an added week and 25 bucks. reasons i guess are on a need to know basis, and i guess i need to pay the extra 25 bucks to know. now it seems that they are working in conjunction with each other, lets call it an united front if you will, and i am the target. they are even laying out political sanctions on me( they are working on the secreat "gotto work on saturday" gambet) the way i see it they are hitting me with aquacomputeristic terrorisem. yea thats it. thats my story and i'm sticking to it. its working. i am terified to see what will happen next :eek: <br /> i'll be back in a little while to tell you what happend with the web site/photo album thing.<br /> derwood.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: road block on pictures?

ok, heres the latest developments. i was tring to put pictures on the album from my personal web page. what i was supposed to do was put them in from the main site page first after i logged in. i did not look to see if i could put them in from the photo album from my web page now though. i will check tommorow cause it's getting late. tommorow i will try to post a picture on here. wish me luck. something went right..... should i be worried.....have the fish/micro soft gods taken pitty on me....dare i think....could it be....or are they setting me up for the big one. :( with my luck i will get out in the water and some funny man pilot will toss a computer out the hatch at 10,000ft and it will fall to earth and hit my boat smack in the middle....or worse it might be one of those blue meteors :eek: (plane droppings)you don't think the tidy bowl man is on their payroll do ya? :confused: thanks guys for getting me this far!<br />derwood ;)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: road block on pictures?

derwood,<br />I like the bass in your album. Definately a nice fish. <br />Mike