Parts for these units used to be expensive.----Not much call for them today.----One site appears to have this stuff at half price.----Wanting to clear them put I guess.----I used to work on these on a regular basis years ago.---Not too much lately.----Have a number of parts motors on hand.
I believe the magnet is bad. When I apply power directly to the magnets bypassing the wire I can hear reverse engage but not forward. I have continuity from the forward controls in both forward and reverse to the magnets. When I measure ohms on magnets they are not the same
Sounds like there may be a broken wire going to or at the forward magnet.---For me it would be an easy investigation / fix.----Not sure of the contents ( tools ) in your work shop.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and helped guide me to the problem. A broken wire right next to the forward gear electromagnet had been broken when the wire was not secured under the protective shield. My boat now goes into forward and reverse and will be trying it out on the water this weekend. I learned a lot and am happy I am able to keep this beauty on the water a little longer.