Right Paint??


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 23, 2005
Last year I painted the deck of my Grady White with an Aliphatic Polyurethane paint that was said to be bullet proof. The deck was sanded removing all blemishes, wiped down with MEK and paint rolled on. 6 months later I started getting stains from fallen leaves, bird droppings, pollen, fish blood, none of which would come up. I used EVERYTHING. Bleaches all the way to paint thinners. Apparently these stains actually penetrated the paint. <br />Did I use the wrong type paint for the deck?? I sure would appreciate some advice. I don't wish to mention the brand or supplier of the paint because they have tried to help with no success.<br /><br />Thanks for your imput.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 5, 2004
Re: Right Paint??

I doubt you did anything wrong. That kind of stuff is going to happen. The longer it's left on there, the worse it will stain. <br /> Water line/scum line will etch itself into about any hull material on the outside of a hull. Making the only way to remove it being to remove the finish with it.<br /> On a floor, I'd just plan on cleaning it after each use and story the boat covered, or, plan on re-painting it every couple of years.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 12, 2005
Re: Right Paint??

I have had the same thing happen with 2-part LPU marine paints. I too haven't solved the problem. I wonder if a good waxing would help seal the paint. <br /><br />For now, it needs to cleaned after each use and I try to keep it covered. If stains are present and you catch them early enough, they often can be removed with a cleaner and a brush.