I purchased a used Sea Sprite 18 foot Jon Boat. I"m now stripping the old paint off. I plan to keep it bare aluminum. Some one used a wire wheel to ruff the surface for paint. Some parts of the aluminum are badly oxidized along with ruff surface. Some parts of the hull shine like a new nickel.My questions are, how can I get the oxidation off the safest way. I'm using Mothers Mag and aluminum polish it works well shining the not so bad spots. I'll need to sand the ruff areas down, what grit should I start and end with. I know the aluminum is only so thick, is sanding the best method. My fear is weakening the structure by sanding (keep in mind I'm handy, its not my first redo). If a loss ( by sanding) of say a 1000 of an inch or less really hurt the integrity of the vessel? I'm only concerned about the gunnels (sides) of the boat. The bottom will be painted. I am a river fishing guide, the launches are crude at best, with no docks, which means beaching when launching and recovering. What is the best method for protecting the keels? I tried to order keel protectors one company said they're not for application on a Jon boat, any recommendations? I-boat is a great forum! But when looking into this project through old forums my concern started. To many pros and cons with this subject. Thanks in advance for your help. Basher 55