restoration complete!...I think


Mar 13, 2012
I recently restored my 1995 Cobalt 200 gelcoat and interior. I bought the boat from a family who kept it on a lift, uncovered, and mostly unused. It was severely neglected for years, and had an immense amount of oxidation outside, and goose crap and other critters inside. I have mostly restored the upholstery to its original color, although a couple of areas (mainly the backseat/sundeck) need to be completely re-upholstered. I had to use some pretty harsh cleaning agents to get the mildew/black dirt and grime off of the seats, so I am concerned any finish or protectant that was on the seats may have been removed along with the nastiness. Any suggestions for conditioning or protecting the seats would be greatly appreciated.

I also restored the hull. It is now the original hunter green (I think Cobalt calls it Polo green) but when I started it looked more like a cross between a light blue and a chalkboard. I tried just using a rubbing compound, Maguires oxidation remover, and then a couple rounds of cleaner wax by both maguires and 3M. That didn't even come close to doing the job, so I started over this year with two rounds of wet sanding (1500 then 3000), then the rubbing compound and cleaner wax. It looks like a completely different boat now. But I am curious if there is a way to get just a little more "pop" out of it, a polish like you would use on a clearcoat that is made for gelcoats. I can live with the way it looks now, but it looks so much better, I thought it was worth asking around if it could look even that much better.

I also had to replace the engine, the old block was cracked, so I got a remanufactured block and new performance heads. I got the boat for a steal, and with all I have had to put into it, I still have about $3000 less than what I see this same model in good condition listed on this site, and others like it. I don't plan to sell it any time soon, just bragging I guess. I have had the boat for 3 years, and finally have it in shape so I think a little bragging is in order.

Thanks for any suggestions in advance! I will post the pictures when I get them loaded onto my computer.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 14, 2012
Re: restoration complete!...I think

Good old amorall is good on vinyl, but slippery. Try 3M perfect it II. It's really made for paint but does a great job on gelcoat for me. Then a good coat of quality car wax.


Mar 13, 2012
Re: restoration complete!...I think

Armorall is what I went with originally, wasn't sure if there was something more boat specific. Either way, at least that will protect it... I will try the 3M, and then some caranuba wax. Thanks!


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 14, 2012
Re: restoration complete!...I think

There are boat specific vinyl products out there. But in my opinion, some but not all are the same thing. They can get more money if they put "boat" or "marine" on the label.