Replacement gauges for a 2003 Crownline 230BR


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2016
My friend has a 2003 Crownline 230BR with a merc engine. He is wishing he could upgrade his gauges since most of his do not work anymore. I'm trying to figure out what he needs as his best idea so far was taking the old ones out and buying OEM ones if he could. I was thinking that aftermarket might be a more cost-effective option for him. Looking on Ebay I've been unable to figure out what ones he might need. Boat is in storage for the winter so can't go check part numbers and such. Is there any way of figuring out the gauges and knowing which OEM or ones from say here?


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
You can spend as little or as much as you want. But as with everything, you get what you pay for

Gauges sizes for the most part have been standardized. The voltmeter gauge from xyz mfg. is going to be the same size as the OE gauge.

Pick a price point and a design and go from there

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
OEM could be VeeThree (old teleflex line, also sold under Sierra name, VDO, Faria or others.

The current gauges may just need the ground buss connections cleaned


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2016
You can spend as little or as much as you want. But as with everything, you get what you pay for

Gauges sizes for the most part have been standardized. The voltmeter gauge from xyz mfg. is going to be the same size as the OE gauge.

Pick a price point and a design and go from there
Good to know, guess in that case makes it a lot easier to figure out what he'll need then. Prices sure seem to vary wow. I would have expected for same thing pretty close just up to materials difference but nope.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2016
OEM could be VeeThree (old teleflex line, also sold under Sierra name, VDO, Faria or others.

The current gauges may just need the ground buss connections cleaned
I will mention that to him before he buys any. Thanks would be nice if a cleaning solved them.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2010
Gauges are generic. No need for OEM unless you're just replacing one and need a match. A gauge set is probably cheaper than individual ones. They are all 4"or 2". Wiring is fairly universal. VDO, Faria, etc.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Gauge diameters of 2-1/16", 2-5/8", 3-3/8" and 5" are the common sizes. These are called 2", 2-5/8", 3" and 5"

If it's listed as a 4", it is a 3-3/8" gauge with an over-sized bezel that measures 4" on the outside

2-1/16" gauge, also referred to a 2" or 52mm has a 2-3/8" OD bezel

The 2-5/8" gauges also called a 66.7mm gauge are about 2-9/16" OD with just under a 3" diameter bezel

The 3-3/8" are also referred to as 86mm and 3" and have a 3.78" OD

The 5" gauges are actually 4.85" OD on the bezel and have a 4.33" OD (110mm)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2016
Gauge diameters of 2-1/16", 2-5/8", 3-3/8" and 5" are the common sizes. These are called 2", 2-5/8", 3" and 5"

If it's listed as a 4", it is a 3-3/8" gauge with an over-sized bezel that measures 4" on the outside

2-1/16" gauge, also referred to a 2" or 52mm has a 2-3/8" OD bezel

The 2-5/8" gauges also called a 66.7mm gauge are about 2-9/16" OD with just under a 3" diameter bezel

The 3-3/8" are also referred to as 86mm and 3" and have a 3.78" OD

The 5" gauges are actually 4.85" OD on the bezel and have a 4.33" OD (110mm)
Awesome thank you, found a set that should work for him