Replacement Bayliner switch panel?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 19, 2013
Re: Replacement Bayliner switch panel?

I agree on diagnosis but when the problem is intermittent and only clicks randomly replacing a common failure part for just $20 is not so bad.

I did clean up the battery connections the other day. I'll have to trace some cables and find the block connection and any others and get them cleaned up too. The prior owner spray painted the entire engine with this black paint. It's rather thick though, like some sort of sealer. I assume for moisture but god grief it's a pain. I've slowly been getting it off of areas I work on. He had sprayed the starter relay too so once I got the cables disconnected I had to sit there with a piece of sand paper and clean up the ring terminals on the wire and get that goop off and shine them up to bare metal.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Replacement Bayliner switch panel?

Has the starter ever been dunked in water, even once?