Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.


Feb 5, 2014
I have just purchased a 1990 Stingray (4.3L Mercruiser V6). It's my first boat and I am here to learn what I need to know. The boat's hull has the following issues (see pics). I'd like to know:

1. Can I use the boat as is (until I get to it)? The tiny cracks in the paint do not look too bad to me. The other issues appear to be above water line.
2. If not, could you point me to threads discussing how to fix these problems? Please don't tell me that I have a complete restoration project in front of me :)
3. What else do I need to check for before I put the boat in the water this spring? The engine runs and sounds fine (it's full of antifreeze right now), the drive apparently was serviced and gimball boot (or something) was recently replaced.
I have until then to learn all I need to know.

Lots of info to learn and I don't know where to start. This thread should be the start I guess.








Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

:welcome: aboard, with those cracks in the gelcoat you should check the transom for rot, there could be water below the deck with that gouge in the keel, I would make sure the transom and stringers are solid before taking it out on the water
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2010
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

The search feature is going to be your friend.

Start searching & reading up on testing your transom for rotten wood. Those cracks in your fiberglass gelcoat are signs of rotten transom wood.

An easy test is to lift up/down on your outdrive. Is your transom flexing? Should be no flex.

Before you do anything with that boat, ensure that transom is OK. Then you'll be checking into your stringers next.

Report back your findings and then we'll help you take the next steps.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

I have a Chris Craft donor boat for my Chief project that has a bad transom and I'm afraid to say your clean little boat has the exact same stress induced cracks originating from both sides of the outer stern drive mount. As you can see in your pics, the stress cracks in the gel coat seem to start in this area and spider web outward. The stress of a flexing transom makes the coat crack in that fashion.


To repair this? Well I'm not a glass boat kind of guy but from what I've seen you have to replace the transom. If you don't I know the next thing coming is water leaking in around the outer transom mount of the stern drive. I'm surprised someone hasn't gooped around the outside of the mount already actually. After that the outdrive looses it's alignment with the motor and burns out the coupler. I know none of this is what you want to hear about such a clean looking boat.


Feb 5, 2014
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

Wow. Fast responses. Thanks. I did try to pull the drive up and down, didn't feel any flex. Rot was my concern and I sort of pressed against transom and various spots to see if there are any soft spots or moisture. I couldn't find any.

I will search for transom and rot to find how to test it. I'll let you know what I find.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

I would like to see quite a few more pix of the interior. And a pix of the inside of the ski locker:

I'll reserve comment for now, but DEFINITELY want to see a lot more of the interior.

Some of the damage you posted is minor:

Some of it warrants more info, pix & careful examination:


Feb 5, 2014
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

I know none of this is what you want to hear about such a clean looking boat.
Ouch. Definitely, not what I wanted to hear before I go to bed. Now I won't be able to sleep. But thanks.

Is there a chance that you are wrong about transom being rotten?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2010
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

I just looked at the pics again.... another quick test... Those screws holding the pitot tube (speedo tube) on your lower transom don't look sealed. Can you remove the screws and then probe in the screw hole for rotten wood ?


Feb 5, 2014
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

I just looked at the pics again.... another quick test... Those screws holding the pitot tube (speedo tube) on your lower transom don't look sealed. Can you remove the screws and then probe in the screw hole for rotten wood ?

I'll try it and report tomorrow after work.

BTW, each pic has a link underneath to Flikr, which has higher resolution versions of each pic.
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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

Ouch. Definitely, not what I wanted to hear before I go to bed. Now I won't be able to sleep. But thanks.

Is there a chance that you are wrong about transom being rotten?

Yeah I really hope I'm wrong. So you know where I'm coming from, the Chris Craft I have is 1988 with the same A1 4.3 motor and the interior is also as new/clean as yours. Although mine has been decked over the original rotten deck and was easy to spot when peeling back some carpet around the edge of the motor cut out.


Feb 5, 2014
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

Yeah I really hope I'm wrong. So you know where I'm coming from, the Chris Craft I have is 1988 with the same A1 4.3 motor and the interior is also as new/clean as yours. Although mine has been decked over the original rotten deck and was easy to spot when peeling back some carpet around the edge of the motor cut out.

Do you have a thread about the Chris Craft project of yours? You knew what you were doing when you got your donor hull.
I guess the "fool and his money" saying was about me.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

Go to bed, you may not like what follows.....................................

Nope, go ahead. Maybe have a nice cup of tea to help calm your nerves...

I'll give you a moment to reconsider......................................................


Via limited pix, remotely over the internet, it isn't an easy thing to help you deconstruct your newly acquired boat to determine it's actual condition.
No matter what a seller told you, the boat is not as it seems at initial look. It looks good, and the interior looks well cared for & in good shape.

Ok, here we go.....
I do not like the dark carpet & 'original' darker brown wood in top center of this pix:

Not to mention the 2X4 'bracing' and cleat above them.

This reinforces my initial impression that the seller, in an attempt to sell this boat quick or for more money then it should really be bought for, has done some less then honest repairs that cause me to consider it unwise to use w/ out extensive inspection. A very involved, detailed & invasive inspection.

Normally, MOST boats don't have a trip hazard in the walk thru windshield:

The interior doesn't really 'match' the age & condition of the exterior.

The lip between the consoles & the mis-match interior~exterior aren't completely telling on their own or together. But you add that to the cobbled together 2X4 legs & cleats I reposted above, and the transom gelcoat cracking and it doesn't speak to reputable repairs from a reputable seller.


The 1st bottle of Tums are on me:

Do you have access to a set of outdrive water muffs?

If the motor is a runner, NEVER run it w/out water circulating thru a set of muffs or the boat IN the water.

The seats, helm, steering, windshield, cover all look to be in good shape. All else can be addressed. It will be an involved, time consuming, not inexpensive process.

Even if you've never done anything remotely as indepth as this, YOU can do it w/ access to some tools, some workspace and a few skills w/ hand & power tools. That is NOT a problem. You wanting to, and ultimately finishing is, however. And for it to make any sense at all, esp financially, you MUST do most of the work yourself. Else it's even more cost prohibitive & you'd be better served buying a more water ready boat.

Do not misunderstand, MOST owners you find in the resto threads are here for the exact same reasons. Some w/ boats in a little bit better condition, and many in much much worse. No matter what the Admiral (wife/significant other) says, in this regard you are NOT SPECIAL.

Most have never done this, and once done w/ 1, the vast majority have no interest in doing it again.

It can be done, done well & done by YOU. And the guys hanging around the iboats dry dock will be here to help every step along the way.........

Welcome to the dry dock, look around. Lots of good info in most of the resto threads. Don't let the tin guys heckle ya about a glass boat. Watermann pulled the good bits off a fiberglass 'donor' boat to recycle into his aluminum boat, just so you know where his donor boat reference came from.

slow joe

Oct 23, 2013
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

I'm not an expert by any means... I'm actually a first time boat owner as well in the middle of a restoration of my boat... I'll say this, these two pictures worry me personally. I found "fixes" like this on my boat, and it was just covering up the issues the boat had. Best of luck, that's a sharp looking boat!!


slow joe

Oct 23, 2013
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

I guess I should have waited a minute till jbcurt posted... LOL Then I should have said "what he said"...

Although I will say this, my Conquest has a similar "trip hazard" as your boat does... I'd be willing to bet that the front part would come off with the cap...


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

"Please don't tell me that I have a complete restoration project in front of me :)" oh my, these additional pics tell more. I bet you have what you don't want to hear:doh:


Vice Admiral
Feb 10, 2012
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

It's a crummy feeling, ua4ever, but you are not alone. Many of us have been in your shoes. Your getting some great advice here already... If you find the boat has the sort of problems we all suspect, you have a lot of new friends here who will help you through it. It seems overwhelming at first (and at times once you get started) but it is not an impossible job.



Feb 5, 2014
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

Well, thanks guys for giving it as it is and a group therapy at the same time. I need it. My wife will definitely kill me. It took a while to sell her this boat after I bought it. So, therapy won't help. I'll hays to take a deep breath and calm myself.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Repair questions for the boat I've just purchased.

Those additional pieces of wood added into the ski locker are a concern. If those are sheetrock screws........they will rust out in a pretty short time, the wood was not coated or even painted (at least it looks that way).......... it would do no harm to attempt to contact the previous owner ans ask about the ski locker modification.

The cracks on the transom and the fiberglass scraped up on the keel indicate two things. The lower unit has hit bottom a number of times (I bet the outdrive will also show evidence of that along the skeg) and the loading on the trailer was careless (which normally scrapes the keel).

Aside from the "structure" that needs to ne checked a few more important items should be checked and accomplished.

Do I think it is safe to run.......... probably yes.

DO NOT believe ANYTHING the seller told you. Get that statement embedded into your mind.

Check/change/repair the following:

The impeller and drive oil.

Trailer wheel bearings - repack them yourself!

Engine oil - change it. Filter too!

Remove ALL electrical connections - sand them off and re-install.

Fix the rash/scrape on the keel asap with a gel-coat repair kit.

Check/change the spark plugs.

A real nice looking boat there. It appears as if it was well maintained but let go over the years.... Get the manual for the motor ;)

Don't panic and have some safe fun!