Removing gunk from hull


Mar 5, 2004
I have a Ranger Bassboat. Usually I trailer and load and unload it to fish. This year I let it sit in the water in the boat slip and used it a lot. I pulled the boat out this week and the hull has brown waterline, gunk, slime, algae, stain and whatever below waterline. I have two questions...What and how to I clean it to look like new again? and Is it bad for me to leave the boat in the water during summer for long periods of time? We moved to a lakehouse with a boatslip and dock is why I left it in this year. Can I ruin my rig using it this way? This is freshwater and has a Merc motor. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Removing gunk from hull

Ironically, the worse thing for any boat is water. There is a whole industry developed around the products available to protect your boat from the water. Boats that are occasionally exposure to water (trailered boats) don’t have a problem. Fiberglass boats that are going to be left sitting in the water should have a coat of sealer below the waterline and then some type of paint that will inhibit the staining and critter growth you are experiencing. Btw, the stuff on your boat is normal. ‘Bottom coat’ has chemical inhibitors but is only effective for a limited time before it most be repainted. Aluminum boats left in fresh water obviously don’t need a sealing coat but aluminum boats in general have their own special concerns regarding galvanic corrosion.<br /><br />To clean your boat, haul it out and blast the hull with a high power sprayer. That will get rid of 99% of the stuff on your boat. The best time to spray the bottom is right after you pull the boat out, before the stuff dries. There is a bunch of products made for cleaning the stains off of boats left in the water, if any.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Removing gunk from hull

I leave mine in from spring to fall. I do not coat the bottom with anything at all. There is always the brown ick on it. I spray it with Starbrite Hull Cleaner (oxolic acid), $8 a container, more than enough to clean a boat hull of your size. Pull the boat out, let the gunk dry, spray with the hull cleaner, let set for a minute or so, and rinse. It all comes off, hull looks like new, no work.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2004
Re: Removing gunk from hull

Go to Home depot or any home center in get a gal of Muractic acid(sp?).Around $4.00 per gal.Add about a cup to a gal of water in a sprayer.Spray it on,let it sit for about 10 mins,wash off.Do that till its clean.Use all saftey gear with this.This will eat all the wax off the boat,so you will have to rewax.


Mar 5, 2004
Re: Removing gunk from hull

Thanks for the suggestions/help. This is something I was not prepared for and did not want to hurt the gelcoat finish. I think I might get a boatlift for the covered slip next year. If it comes back like new I will take better care next year. Thanks again. Any other info is appreciated.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Removing gunk from hull

Muriatic acid, a.k.a. hydrochloric acid (HCL), does not do well when it comes in contact with concrete. Well, the acid is ok but the concrete doesn’t like it. Diluted enough, you get clean ‘crete. Otherwise, you can get holes in your driveway. Excellent for cleaning porcelain toilets. :) <br /><br />Prockvoan - If you are going to use HCL (Muriatic acid) you can go to your local chemical supply retailer and buy a 100ml bottle for HCL for about $10 then dilute the amount you need. Should last for a several boating seasons.<br /><br />JasonJ – you can get a 500g jar of oxalic acid crystals for about $15, or a 1-liter bottle of 10% aqueous solution for about $20.<br /><br />DIY acids are easy and inexpensive but you definitely want to keep the concentrates out of the reach of children. Note: When diluting any acid, always “A to Z” or in this case, “A to W”. That means you always (slowly) add the Acid to the Water. NEVER ADD WATER TO ACID.

crazy charlie

Vice Admiral
May 22, 2003
Re: Removing gunk from hull

On-Off works the best for heavily fouled bottoms and does not harm gelcoat.Make sure you follow the directions because it is pretty strong stuff.I recently tried toilet bowl cleaner with good results on a low fouled bottom.If you choose to leave it in the water without painting the bottom you must be sure to wax the bottom well just prior to launching it and you must pull it at least once during the warmer months and clean and wax it again.Charlie