Many rectifier/regulators are available and might work for you.
I have used one that was a three phase (three wire to the stator) and used two of them.
This worked for me and actually had a better regulator that limited the voltage better than the one for the force that I had and had a large heat sink that dissipated heat better.
Many are MOSFET that work better. BUT you may have a problem with just how much current they can draw from the stator and might cause you a problem with that, I can't be certain about that issue.
I did use one off a motorcycle and it worked, but I did replace it and the engine seemed to run smoother, but I would have to try that again to be able to say for sure.
Will one work? Yes it will you will be only using 1/3 of the rectifiers in the unit and they will regulate the output as well.