Recommission of an old favourite

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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 3, 2011
Re: Recommission of an old favourite

You're lucky.... I spent 2 hours with a mallet and a wood dowel trying to pop the housing off.... everything else was straight forwards after that.....

My Ford started to idle like crap this year.... Last year about 550 RPM and now it won't stay running under 780 or so. I think it's probably a vacuum leak on mine too. We'll find out this winter, I'm going to run her out until then. Good luck with the rest of your recommissioning :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Recommission of an old favourite

You're lucky.... I spent 2 hours with a mallet and a wood dowel trying to pop the housing off.... everything else was straight forwards after that.....

My Ford started to idle like crap this year.... Last year about 550 RPM and now it won't stay running under 780 or so. I think it's probably a vacuum leak on mine too. We'll find out this winter, I'm going to run her out until then. Good luck with the rest of your recommissioning :D

I went at the chevy today, rechecked the carb,looked her over for anything obvious, near as I could tell, it shoulda worked.:D
Carb was even full of gas (no leak down) I thought this was goodmight not be all day doin this :facepalm: How does the fuel tank in a boat get 5 gallons plus water in it and never be in the water :mad:.

I took it down to the lake , put her in the launch , started it an ran for about 30 seconds then no fire:mad:,brought her home and sure enough water in the fuel took the line off at the carb , pumping straight water, spent the rest of the day draining water and cleaning fuel system.

Just baffles me how the boat has never been off the trailer, has ran previously,almost perfectly but the tank all of a sudden has over 5 gallons of water. NO I didn't leave the fuel cap off in the rain, NO my gas cans don't get used for watering the wife's flowers, now not just the idle is rough It won't even start .
After I finish cleaning up this she will tho :D

Those Ford's do run nice, I can't seem to get one of those tho


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 3, 2011
Re: Recommission of an old favourite

5 gallons...... your guess is as good as mine. Which reminds me.... do you have a water separating filter? I don't but plan on adding one this winter (not that it would do any good for 5 gallons of water). I like the way my Ford runs, just wish it would idle better :rolleyes:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Recommission of an old favourite

5 gallons...... your guess is as good as mine. Which reminds me.... do you have a water separating filter? I don't but plan on adding one this winter (not that it would do any good for 5 gallons of water). I like the way my Ford runs, just wish it would idle better :rolleyes:

Yes it is,added by the previous owner, Sierra, but that was way too much water for that.

I want a 460 King Cobra :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Recommission of an old favourite

Yes it is,added by the previous owner, Sierra, but that was way too much water for that.

I want a 460 King Cobra :D

Found the water in fuel problem:eek: the bottom of the fuel tank leaked fuel like it was running thru the screen on a screen door

Excessive rain for a couple weeks sitting in the bilge and pushed into the tank :facepalm:
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