Win 10 has dozens of Ratfink apps running on it. most can be turned off but it requires use of 2 rd Party software, Unfortunately when WIn 10 does its mandatory updates, over which you have no control, it will turn a lot of the surveillance apps back on, so more time wasted turning off. While the UI is better than the God Awful mess of WIn 8, it still is much less user friendly than Win 7 for getting to where fine tuning can be done. The folders and Fonts are much uglier too.
I have tried it 3 times and have always returned to Win 7. Too bad as it does a better job of managing memory better than 7, I guess it has to, since it is running the Rat Fink apps to send useage stats and Data to MS.
Getting a Hackentosh to run is less stressful than getting Win 10 to behave and appear well.
For those who think they can wipe Win 10 off of a New Computer or Laptop and replace it with Win 7, You might get it to Install, but it will not let you do any upgrades, including Drivers for the New Motherboard Chipsets, and HD controllers.
I will continue with Win 7 for a long time, even when MS quits supporting it. There are lots of Computers still running Vista and even XP.