So the solenoid on my 2000 mercruiser 5.0 starter is going out, it will click several times before cranking. A new starter is around $220 and I can have it rebuilt for between $95 and $125 . Would I be better off just spending the money on a new one ,or just have this one rebuilt? I've never had a marine starter rebuilt, and didn't know if it's advisable or not.
Clicks several times before it engages and starts, my first thought is a bad connection. Could also be the slave solenoid.
If it is the starter, I would buy a new one. I use to be a fan of rebuild over new, but changed my mind over the years. most places that rebuild starts, alts and other items, have no way to actually load test the unit. Have had one caterpillar and one marine starter rebuilt, along with other things, and both didn't last. Maybe it was the place that did the work, but my guess is no.
If you rebuild the starter, and it cranks over the motor, all is good, but maybe it doesn't quit turn it over as fast as it should. maybe this is caused by some burnt winds, maybe not. In any case, if you buy new, there will be no issue later.
just my opinion, others will differ