nice... really nice!! and inspirational - makes me want to work! makes me want to weld something lol. I'd always planned on working until I couldn't anymore (in my 80's or so?); but that day came sooner...
Can and do still get around, work some at home; but the mental adjustment rivals the physical. Mind tripping on days gone by, some fond memories like the ridge reamer with my dad doing in chassis rebuilds.
Said somewhere on iboats before, this old Sears boat he bought for me was $69 marked down to $62! lol SOLD!! That little boat has been fished harder than a commercial vessel. And just like me, rode hard and put up wet. One time it was launched from the cartop at 70mph, drug alongside until we could stop!! It's my 4WD boat too; no log jam, beaver dam, stump field, sandbar etc has ever stopped it from proceeding.
have often taken my chainsaw with me to clear away fallen trees