Random spark loss (89 Evinrude 225)


Aug 13, 2001
Hello fellow boaters. My boat has recently started a new problem. My boat will not start some days and when I check it doesn't have spark. The next day it will start. If the boat starts it runs great all day. I can let it sit for a day and it won't start. I have checked the kill switch and the wiring harness from the motor to the boat. My guess is the power pack. Any ideas? Thanks and tight lines. JBS


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Random spark loss (89 Evinrude 225)

Read-back about two months here (I know, a lotta posts). But someone had a simular problem. It truned-out to be coils which collected moisture. When they dried out,it ran great. Before changing-out the power pack tho,one at a time, remove the connections and clean them. Check every stinking connection point, plug/socket connector on the circuit. The least little bit of corrosion will give you fits.<br />I found that using a cordless dremmel drill with a rotary brush works fantastic for cleaning these connectors.<br />After cleaning and re-assembling, test it. If it is back to normal, paint all these points with a coating of "liquid tape" to keep the moisture out.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: Random spark loss (89 Evinrude 225)

When you say you checked the wire harness, did you disconnect the red cannon plug at the motor and jump the starter solenoid to check spark? If not then you may want to try that when you lose spark. Might be a bad ignition switch. That is if you lose spark on all 6 each time. If you only lose spark on some cylinders, then it's a different deal.<br /><br />Good luck!