Raising my Deck


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Feb 4, 2008
I have a cobia sunskiff 18 6" currently in the nightmare stage. The floors are cut out and the stringers are so so. Since I have to pretty much gut the boat Im thinking of taking the floor up 3-4" so it can self bail.

What I want to do is gut the boat bow to stern. (check the transom as well and rebuild if nessesary). Lay in new stringers and a new floor. 3-4" higher then before. I would like to eliminate the well and make the boat self bailing with scuppers. But there are a few issues to overcome.

1. There is a fuel tank in there and there must be an access to the pumbing on it. If water ever got into the lower hull from there it would have no way to get out.

2. There has to be a pipe from under the center console to the back of the boat for steering cables and wiring. This is a linerless boat and there is no gunwale to hide things under. Obviously theres allways potential for water to get into that pipe so it must be able to drain.

3. Raising center of gravity. Will rasing the floor 3-4" make the boat too top heavy?

Anyone done this before or know how to overcome these issues?

Thanks Chuck