... Love the ones that are around you. Do good to others. Make sure your affairs are in order and your life is right with your maker. These are the things that are most important. The rest is gravy.
Amen Art. Too often we confuse what's most important with what is most urgent. I've had a lot of kind things done for me (especially expertise given) on these forums, and mostly by people I really don't know (in a personally "met" way).
And don't forget to appreciate the ones you have in your life. ...
In a fantastic sense, guys like DonS, SBN and Tashasdaddy are still helping me out. I actually read a topic the other day where Tashasdaddy was giving some advice on an issue I was having and I wound up using his advice to solve my problem! I was tellin' GA Boater the other day that this forum is one of the only that I go to because of how hostile I've found many others to be (including Christian Theology forums!). We've got good admin, good mods and great members.
SIDENOTE: I miss JB postin' as much on the forums. Lotsa' wisdom and a great wit when he would write. But he's struggling right now and understandably can't post as much. So we try to mention him or write to him here and there to let him know we still remember and give a rip, right?
As much as I don't want to live my life "missing" someone, I also don't want to forget them.
I wonder if we should have a secondary email or contact media (face book) or ? If I suddenly checked out I'd want my better half to post for me to let you know I was up in tin heaven....
Dunno' what do to about that Kev. But, I will tell ya' this ... I had noticed you weren't around, and you weren't forgotten.