1983 Sooy Vinatage APBA Inboard Hydroplane. T/Y class. 1.5stock/ 1L modifide. <br /><br />Well after a brief vacation with some motorcylce and car projects, I got back to work on the boat. For those who don't remeber me, this is my first attempt at a wood project. I also attached some pics, please excuse the mess. <br /><br />I finally finished cutting out and installing the right motor stringer (left in the pics) from the cockpit back. I used 1/2 marine ply. On the rigt side I decided to laminate the existing stringer for added strength. My goal is to keep as much origional wood as possible. The right side was so far gone I was unable to save the origional wood. I also used west system 205/206 for all the work. I also attached everything without screws, or nails. These to sections or repair were the most damaged due to rot. Hopefully now the project will move along at a quicker pace. I also started to reattach the battens, I will post an update when that is <br />done. <br /><br />Enjoy,<br />Jim<br />
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