question for (old boat 1)

happy hooker

Seaman Apprentice
Jun 10, 2002
thanks for the come back. I could not do as you suggested, just varnish over the sides. they were too weathered. I might do that on the front and rear decks they are in fairly good shape.the wood on the boat is as good as it left the factory. now my problem is to match the color on the sides with the top decks. do you know anywhere in maryland where I might find out what color stain was used on the orginial.or was it just varnished with a amber varnish. I think it was stained. maybe someone who has done a similar project or a kind boat restorer who would share that info.


Fleet Admiral
Apr 3, 2002
Re: question for (old boat 1)

Hi, Hooker. I don't have a source for you at the moment, but I'll advise if I come up with one -- and can't address the question re. stain myself. You might try a search under Whirlwind Boats and see what hits you get. <br /><br />For spot matching, you might have some success mixing stain with varnish. Use a lighter but similar toned stain (nothing darker). Mix with varnish, and keep layering until you get as close to a match as you can. The color will darken with each layer.<br /><br />Additionally, I would try spot varnishing in a test spot with an amber varnish after stripping and sanding to see what the color is -- and whether it matches the other surface. The varnish itself can give you quite a radical color change, particularly on very dry wood.