question concerning water


Jun 22, 2008
looking at buying my first boat. after the test ride with boat on trailer, the owner removed the drain plug and I would say a gallon or two came out. Is this normal? While out on the water, I was inspecting everything and did not see any water in engine area, floor storage area...etc.

Thanks for the help


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2007
Re: question concerning water

The water has to come from somewhere. No water comes out of my boat when I pull the plug after being on the water, unless we track some in while skiing and swiming, or take a big wake over the bow.


May 31, 2002
Re: question concerning water

Was the water in the boat before you went out? If the boat is stored with the plug in it, it's not uncommon for some water to get under covers if the boat is stored where it can be rained on

How big is the boat? A gallon on a 50 footer would probably not be too significant. You'll see the bilge pumps running almost constantly on many larger boats. Since it was trailered, it's probably not that big.

On a typical 20-25 foot boat, if the water was not there when you went out then something is leaking significantly. Shouldn't be any water at all unless tracked in by swimming, tubing, skiing, etc. Take it out again but pull the plug on the ramp (so the back end of the boat is lower than the front) before you put it in. Make sure everything is drained out. Then check it again when you come back in.


Jun 22, 2008
Re: question concerning water

thanks for quick replies, the boat is a 20 footer. The drain plug was put in before going into water (on ramp) and removed on the ramp after coming out of the water. I said the same thing about the water, it has to be coming from somewhere. He sounded sincere/honest when he said that every time he takes the boat out of the water it has some in it, "it's normal". I didn't think it was normal but had to ask some people with exp.

If the water is leaking where the stern drive is, bad/rotten gasket. is this expensive to fix?

Thanks again


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: question concerning water

If the water is leaking where the stern drive is, bad/rotten gasket. is this expensive to fix?

Ayuh,.... Your being Too Stingy with the Info about the boat,+ It's Drive.....
The Odds are Extremely High that it would be the Transom itself that's Rotten........

Not the Outdrive Gasket......


Jun 22, 2008
Re: question concerning water

The boat in question is a 96 Bayliner 2050SS, 5.7l engine with Alpha I drive.
The floor, hull, everything i see seems to be solid. The carpet was just replaced , no soft spots on floor...etc

Is it possible to only leak in water while drive is up such as putting in/out of water? I thought I would have seen water while looking in engine area? Not sure what to look at, this or whatever I end up buying, will be my first boat! Trying not to let the thrill of the 5.7l make an impulse buy!

Thanks for the help


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: question concerning water

i would require, that the outdrive, be remove and the bellows etc be checked and replaced if needed. if they are leaking, there can be other damage, as gimbal bearing, shift cables. if the manifolds and rubber boots have never been changed, they are over due. it is a nice boat.


Sep 8, 2006
Re: question concerning water

I had the experience of a cooling system leak with an I/O that pumped many gallons of water into the boat's bilge. Try running it on muffs and see if water collects in the bilge. If so, be careful it's hot, the water that is!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: question concerning water

another know place for leaks is the hull and cap joint, under the rub rail. especially in rough water, or in downing a lot of starting and stopping.

Pat M.

Jun 21, 2008
Re: question concerning water

Did you stop quickly from on plane an have water over the swimdeck and going into the engine compartment vents? that's assuming it's an I/O. That's easily stopped by giving a little throtle right as the "wave" is reaching the rear of the boat to keep you ahead and above it, or easing off from plane.


Jun 22, 2008
Re: question concerning water

we were doing a lot of stopping and going. I was test driving it. If the boat is leaking by the transom where the drive enters/exits the hull, do you think I would see it by holding a hose to it?

When water is in the boat, from constant entering boat, rain...etc would you see it in the engine area? Is there a false floor on boats?

Thanks all


Apr 10, 2004
Re: question concerning water

If he always have water that means the boat is leaking somewhere. As far as how hard it is to fix, not telling until you find where the problem is. If everything else in this boat checks with you have someone proficient with boats go over it, including he power plant. You can always come to a price where changing the suspected i/o pars will not be a bit hit for you or have him fix the leak before the sale.


Jun 22, 2008
Re: question concerning water

So we were out on the water for 2 hours give or take some. roughly 1 hour intot he test ride, we stopped. We went into the engine compartment to hooh up y=the depth finder to the battery. Shouldn't I have seen water then?
Apr 7, 2008
Re: question concerning water

My boat must have a leak in it as well..:)

There is always water that drains out of the drain plug
2004 Rinker RX1 I/O as well.

It commonly takes on water over the backend with the wake - but come to think of it - after beaching it one night - we got some water out through the bildge - But again that could have come from that day's riding. I know between the kids using the swim platform - towing and quick stops - water is definitely getting in through the top.

Now we did accidently forget to put the drain plug in prior to launching and was too far out to make it back so hubby went a diving - now that was WATER in the engine compartment but otherwise we never see water in there - even if the bildge is dropping out some -

But I will be honest - I would be hardpressed to measure it anywhere near 1-2 gallons

sea wolf

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 3, 2002
Re: question concerning water

With the boat out of the water & jacked up, pour a couple gallons of water into the bilge & see if you can spot any leaks. It could be something as simple as a bad drain plug. If it leaks out of the plug, replace it. If it still leaks in that area, walk away. Bad transom. But, I'll bet it's the u-joint bellows. Did you inspect it closely to see if it's torn? Or, the clamps could be loose. Ask the owner if he had a habit of leaving the drive in the up position for long periods. If he did, the bellows may be shot.


Apr 10, 2004
Re: question concerning water

So we were out on the water for 2 hours give or take some. roughly 1 hour intot he test ride, we stopped. We went into the engine compartment to hooh up y=the depth finder to the battery. Shouldn't I have seen water then?

I dont know about that boat but in my cobia that will be very possible as the bow is at a lower level when the boat is "leveled".


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 18, 2008
Re: question concerning water

in my 2000 bayliner 2455 after being out all day i may only get a cup of water out when pulling the drain plug at the ramp.


Mar 29, 2008
Re: question concerning water

I always question new carpet in a boat that is for sale, especially a Bayliner. Too easy to replace the soft spots in the floor to hide any damage that is there in the stringers.

Navy Jr.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 14, 2007
Re: question concerning water

I always question new carpet in a boat that is for sale, especially a Bayliner. Too easy to replace the soft spots in the floor to hide any damage that is there in the stringers.

I was reading through all of the posts on this thread looking to see if someone had already said what I was about to say and, sure enough, BHammer had the right words. I'd thank the owner very much for his time, explain that I (or my wife) wanted to look at a few more boats, then walk away.


Jun 22, 2008
Re: question concerning water

It's been awhile since this post..But I wanted to say thanks to everyone that replied. I ended up purchasing the boat, I think the 5.7l had me from the start? Anyway, the floor was solid, at least with me jumping on it (as suggested from a friend). That's why I bought it, actually I took it to a mechanic for a look over. He said he could not find any leaks.... That's when I bought it. I took it out for the first time as a new boat owner.....the shift cable broke! I couldn't shift into reverse or neutral. I finally got it on the trailer and yes, there was some water! I took it back to the mechanic and had the cable replaced, and asked him while he had the drive off to thoroughly inspect the bellows. He still found no cracks, holes...etc Once the new cable was installed, I raced to the lake and put her in. She ran fine, shifted like a dream.... I came back to the trailer and what did see....NO WATER. I have had the boat in the water every weekend last season (well almost, the high gas prices slowed me to every other) and also spent a week at a cabin with the boat beached for the nights. Still no water.... I relied on the mechanic's word that the boat was sound. He would not put a price on it but gave it a look over and couldn't find anything that would stop him from buying the boat. Thanks again for the support and words of wisdom!