Re: Q7, how much does it really weigh?
Plus extra weight if you have anything other than a 4.3. Had trouble pulling my '10 V-8 Q7SSi with my wife's Pacifica, so I sat down to do the calculations. I figured, based on indicated weights, that it should be slightly under the 3,500 max of the Pacifica, but it was having such a hard time dealing with the boat. Called and talked with Tracker and then called and talked to the folks at Mercury Marine. Found out that the dry weight didn't include the extra weight of the optional engine, fuel, oil, fluids, et cetera, or trailer (I hadn't even considered the trailer! DUH!). All told, with the boat (plus V-8) (3112 lbs), the tandem trailer (950lbs according to Tracker's numbers), gas (around 275lbs), and fluids (around 100lbs), I was almost at 4500, and that didn't even count ice, drinks, extinguishers, other boating needs/tools/et cetera (plus the number of folks in the tow vehicle itself and their combined weight). I am probably right at 5,000 with everything loaded and ready to pull to the water, just for the boat and contents alone. I say all of this for future reference for others browsing the forums to calculate everything (including the trailer!) when coming up with tow weight.