I was just thinking about converting the large compartment under the rear seat into a large live well. Has anyone done this? I would think that it would be quite simple by adding a pump and some hoses.
Re: q5I SF converting large rear compartment into a live well
no I haven't started yet. I was wondering if anyone has done this. The small live well is great for bait but I want to put the fish I catch in something. Right now I just fill it up with ice and put the fish on ice. Would be nice to convert this area into a usable live well. It would save on ice. I don't know for sure but I think I will have to add a live well pump, tie into the existing live well suction and discharge or maybe the bilge pump discharge. I sure would like to have an example of a successful conversion before I get started.
Re: q5I SF converting large rear compartment into a live well
I am doing this to my Q4 as well. I have been studying how the system works on a 2011 Q4 which uses the same compartment as the livewell. On that boat the overflow ties into the drain line and then out the transom. The overflow height on the transom seems like it is below the water level on the outside of the boat. I am not sure if the livewell will fully drain when the plug is pulled. The water level on my 2007 Q4 is right around the transom tie down height and this is also where the overflow is on a SF model of the same year. The difference is the livewell on the 07 SF Q4 is not in the same compartment, it is higher next to the engine so I am unsure how to plumb the drain. When I figure it out I will post the install with pics.