Re: Putting Christmas lights on our boat for the first time, looking for suggestions
I used to decorate my big rig with LED rope lights, with color changing LEDs and a musical pattern controller...ran about 60 feet worth of lights on one 800 Cobra inverter....I had mine connected direct to battery, and would leave them on all night, but had a 4 battery bank to draw off of...If your only running a parade, connect 1 inverter direct to battery and hook up your lights...your engine will be running and I doubt you will have any problems, dont sweat it much! Bring some jumpers if your really worried in case, if your in a parade I am sure you can find someone willing to jump ya if the unforeseen happens. The inverter is designed to shut down at low voltage to protect your battery and allow the engine to start, so before complete discahrge it will shut down...worse case you end up running part of the parade without christmas lights