Prop for a 1992 190 Horzion 5.0L

Chuck Rowe

Mar 28, 2004
Can anyone help. I would like to bid on a 14 1/2 by 21p with 15 splins.. But I don't know if it will fix. Can anyone tell me?<br /><br />Thank You for your help.<br /><br />Chuck


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 16, 2004
Re: Prop for a 1992 190 Horzion 5.0L

Kinda helps if you supply more info.Such as make/model of drive.For example mercruiser alpha one or volvo penta sx cobra or omc cobra.Also might help if you are looking at something on ebay to give us the link so we can take a look at it.I pomise I won't be bidding against you :D

Chuck Rowe

Mar 28, 2004
Re: Prop for a 1992 190 Horzion 5.0L

Thank you for the good suggestion. I am definitely a newbie to boating and boats. I was in a very big hurry last night when I posted the question. My boat and its instruction manual were in dry-dock about 45min from my house and I was wanting to buy a prop that had less than 60min on it. In the future, I will take my time and post the proper information. Thanks again.<br /><br />Chuck


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 4, 2004
Re: Prop for a 1992 190 Horzion 5.0L

Hey chuck, I have a 93 horizon, I went to a pirahnna polymer prop. 15X19 pitch. What a difference in performance... and the fact that if damaged each blade on the prop can be individually change out for about 19 dollars. The inirial cost is about a hundred bucks. However well worth the money since all you change out are the blades if they get to busted. I hit a log once and it took a good chunk of the blade and did not effect performance what so ever. Called the company 3-days later new blade installed no problem. Say good by to prop blending shops forever with a pirahnna prop!!!