Prop aligned? How do you do this on an outboard

my new fishmaster

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 11, 2001
Someone on this board mentioned if the owner did not align the prop you could have lower unit problems? I just purchased a new prop and would like to get it right the first time. Thanks for your speedy reply. :D :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Prop aligned? How do you do this on an outboard

Beats me as to what he meant, as most balancing and allignment would be done in the prop shop. NEW props come ready-to-install, unless they are purchased hubless,in which case, he who installs a hub will ballance if needed,as part of his job.<br />He can't do it otherwise too easily, so it's unlikely that a prop shop would NOT align/ballance.<br />If you have a crazy amount of vibration on one prop,and none on another, just send the prop to the prop guys for restoring.