Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

Walleye King

Jun 10, 2003
Well we have some pics, further ahead than what these pics are but still have a lot of pics on another roll to get shot first.<br /><br />Enjoy and make all the nasty comments you care to make! ;) I really like the boat how it is laid out, and can't wait to get this sucker in the water.<br /><br />Enjoy!!


Oct 29, 2002
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

Walleye I like the design of that boat to. Just take it easy on the boy child labor laws and all.)<br /> But when you get her finished she ought to look good on the water. Take your time and lay out the plans should come together.<br /> Looking forward to more pics. :cool: :cool:

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

i like'er ,,too..!! boy, you sure gotta luv 'er... cause you sure gotta boat load of 'labor-of-luv' on your hands..!!<br /><br />if you gotta enuff time ,luv, elbow grease, an money an most importaint ,,'stick-to',,, you'll have a nice 'ride' on weekends..

Walleye King

Jun 10, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

Thanks! Yep it's been fun so far! :) The further I go the more I see what they should have done, like the windshield had screws so small and thin and not one was screwed into anything except the fiberglass, but we now have a thin piece of douglas fir glassed in to screw to and hold it in place so it doesn't wiggle anymore ;) nice cross members with the stringers and a real transom with everything covered with glass and resin including pressure treated douglass fir with water sealer and resin so it should never rot! If water gets to any of the wood in this boat throught the resin and fiberglass, I won't believe it!!<br /><br />Still not bad for $300, just a bit over that right now with the wood and glassing materials and paint. I hope my paint job comes out as nice as tradins, then I will be happy!!! :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 6, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

oh good lord kill it before it multiplies.haha. good lines on'er.i dont envy you your quest though.alot of work but when all is finished will make a nice little cruiser.and very satisfying knowing you and your family worked together in order to rebuld it, and that is worth more than the boat itself will ever be.good luck.

Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

Jason .... see how the Skanky Beast has infected The Gang?? Everyone is rippin into these rotted hulks now!!!<br /><br />I for one salute you, I think this is soooo great, I even got the Runabout Restoration book by Jim Anderson<br /><br />Way to go WK, I think that lil guy is really gonna fly, 120 horses aint chicken feed!


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

Walleye King:<br /><br />I'm going to agree with the other posts here...<br />I like the lines of that hull design. But man...<br />you guys are scarey here on this board! I've never<br />seen so many used to be boats brought back to life! But then again it's inspiring also<br />Or in my case I showed my wife Jasons project and <br />she then reminded me that my project was 10 years old and scattered from the garage to the back shed! Jason! :) <br />Will be fun to follow Mr Yuk and see the progress<br />Luck to ya<br />Link

Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

not only are they used to be boats, but they are in fact vastly superior to the original boat straight from the factory, the day it was made <br /><br />We are very aware of the shortcuts made and the greed factor involved ... as individual restorers, no expense is spared to "make it right" ... stainless goes where galvanized and indeed, plain ol steel once rusted away, frames and stringers and transoms are thoroughly sealed and glassed and reinforced<br /><br />as shoddily as they were built, they took ten to thirty years to rot away ... imagine how long Skanky Beast will go on if properly cared for<br /><br />I think it would be a blast to have a iboats flotilla of the dammned have a get together ... new boat guys would be welcome too, but to have the old timers cutting a wake again en masse ...<br /><br />that would be way cool!<br /><br /> :cool:

Walleye King

Jun 10, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

Have to agree with you Ray!! You are a Hoot!! :) <br /><br />Did you go out and get the other fan the boss told you to get?? She will take the boat keys and fix your butt good!


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

Hey, You all should be thanking Civilengineer for my insanity, when I first saw that center console he built from the set of plans he got, that inspired my center console concept, but otherwise I still would have had to do the same work if I had kept that wretched scow as a runabout. I am glad that people are stepping up and trying their hands at fixing these old wrecks, maybe it will help to make boat companies realize they are pricing boats too high and bring costs down. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I know, recreational crack use is a no-no.....<br /><br />I am gearing up for the final phase of Skanky beast, which will be the paint job. It will happen after I pull her out of the water for good, then it will be painted white with a good coat of bottom paint, since it stays in the water from May to October. She has still been going strong, I go out at least a couple times a week, and she is strong like the ox. I finally got up the nerve to do the 180 wheel turn at full throttle test and the boat laughed at me saying "is that all you got, boy?". Yeah, she's a keeper. I also am just finishing up with "Project Skanky Portage", my top secret trailer rebuild. I'll post a few pics of that when complete, which should be Saturday morning. Its nothing special, just an EZ Loader that I repainted back to its original light blue, new rollers, winch, coupler, wiring, and lights. It never ends, and I catch myself looking for the next project.....

Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

LOL, well, no actually I didnt .... :eek: I took her and child to Wal Mart for a little shopping spree ... I needed a battery for the car (ya see, winter is coming, cant be too careful) so now I have a battery to spin the engines out in the garage (the old one, yanno, the "bad" one, lol) :rolleyes: <br /><br />I just sorta shopped around, got some blue paint for my engines ( I know they are johnsons, but that white .drab green combo doensnt make it, Im going to paint them evinrude blue and white, should make up some of the difference between the 66 and 67 johnsons ... the 67 has a much more streamlined lower unit, the 66 is big and bulky, like a 59)<br /><br />also grabbed a ten dollar set of tools, lol, Im tired of dragging the 100 pound toolbox outta the trunk everytime I want to work on the engines, Im putting together a tool kit ...they are six pointers, I think stanley makes them, eh, so it was ten cents a tool ... dinner was fifty bucks at The Mexican Food Factory, Liz was piissed that they charged fifty cents for tortilla chips (no mexican joint in this part of the country does that!), and trust me, that fifty bucks is GONE, lol, so I dont feel bad about it (wives dont understand the whole "cant have too many tools" thing - didnt you just GET tools? (that quick lok deal from sears) ... they CAN understand the cant have too many SHOES thing tho, right guys?<br /><br /> :D <br /><br />of course, the evening was capped off nicely, so I am in a real good mood, wal mart is 200 dollars richer, and I get five bucks back when I return the core, everyone is happy<br /><br />tomorrow is another matter ...<br /><br /> :p

Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!

there is a black and white boat that was crudely transformed into a center console, then the boat was in the hands of some other guy, this guy is INSANE ... the boat shines like a jewel, like wet glass, like a frensel lens, its really amazing to see it go from crude to WOW, I love the pics that take place along the way<br /><br />Ill see if I can find it, its posted yesterday and prolly today

Lieutenant Commander
May 21, 2003
Re: Project Mr Yuk some pics finally!
