Pro Sports, anyone else losing interest?


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Unfortunately the games come on while I'm sleeping or on my why to work. Have listened to some of the Brewers games on the radio while driving in to work but haven't turned any on the TV all year.

I understand about the money aspect of it and I know and submit to being greatly out numbered by those that do watch the Pregame/Prerace stuff. But at times I wonder just how many people are really watching and paying attention when they do? I find myself these days not even turning the TV on untill noon on Sundays.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Pro sports is not the same as it was years back, now it is a choreographed exercise to keep the viewer on one channel.

More Yack, less actual sports.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 28, 2014
I Like female beach volleyball! :D

I will watch a bowl game periodically, but have no team allegiances.

It was a rude shock to me as a kid when the Dodgers pulled out of Brooklyn and went to the west coast!!!!

The teams are all about who can buy the best players,


Mar 20, 2002
If you are a fan you watch. Baseball is my #1 sport followed by College Football and Pro Football. I have some interest in the other sports but these 3 head my list.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
I don't know if it's because I'm getting old or what.

Pro Footbal just doesn't seem to be as much fun to watch anymore. It's now all about TV revenue, fantasy picks and officials. When you have to watch a game and you can tell which team the FOX or CBS announcers are rooting for then why have them? Why not just let the local homers do the play by play? Thursday night football. Why? MONEY.

Baseball, haven't watched a game all year and where I'm at that's 3 teams. Brewers, CUBS, WhiteSox.

Not into hockey and lost interest in Basketball long ago.

NASCAR, can't figure out just what it is they are trying to do either. And their website has become one of the hardest to navigate that I've come apon.

Might as well bring back the Pro Bowling Tour! Heck I've even found myself watching Pro Darts when It's on only because I used to play.

Nope, not getting old... Just more educated. :D

I've found the same with the local football here. A few years back it all got very 'money oriented', and I just lost interest, especially when all the media could do was dig dirt on players, like WOW, 10 years ago he was a junky... So what? All I wanted to do was watch a good game, but no, TV, media, general managers, advertisers and a whole lot of hangers-on got involved... And I got 'un-involved'.... I'm at a point of not even knowing anyone on my 'favourite' team any longer...

I guess I still have my favourite sport that will never succumb to the evils of money, the beloved cricket! :thumb:



More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
I'm still trying to figure out why a 1 or 2 hr. pregame show is needed. NFL and NASCAR are the worst.

Geez, I wish it was that little here. We get a 2 hour pre-game show the night before, a 1 pre-game round up immediately before the game, then 2 hours immediately after, and another 2 hours the next night.... Hey guys.... IT'S BORINGGGGGG!



Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Chris, here we also have ESPN and the NFL Network. I don't watch either of them. That too is too much personality driven. Now it looks like there is a new soccer channel as well. There also were a couple of local fishing programs on that I used to watch, now they are nothing more than a half hour infomercial.

I do enjoy going to the ballpark for baseball games but not for NFL games. Don't know why that is either.

I also recall when ESPN 1st went on they used to show a lot of Australian Football and yes I did enjoy that. It is quite different. They also used to do the America's Cup and a buddy got me interested because he's a huge sailboat nut.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Nope, not getting old... Just more educated. :DChris.....
Take a walk on the beach with a good friend or........ sit in the house watch sports?
Go horse back riding or...sit in the house and watch sports?
Take your son fishing or....sit in the house and watch sports?
Take the boat and go to your favorite water front restaurant with your wife or......sit in the house and watch sports
Go for a hike on a mountain trail or.....sit in the house and watch sports?
Go to the Air and Space museum or.....sit in the house and watch sports?

In the end, life is too short to....sit in the house and watch sports. Get out and enjoy life while you doesn't last forever


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Take a walk on the beach with a good friend or........ sit in the house watch sports?
Go horse back riding or...sit in the house and watch sports?
Take your son fishing or....sit in the house and watch sports?
Take the boat and go to your favorite water front restaurant with your wife or......sit in the house and watch sports
Go for a hike on a mountain trail or.....sit in the house and watch sports?
Go to the Air and Space museum or.....sit in the house and watch sports?

In the end, life is too short to....sit in the house and watch sports. Get out and enjoy life while you doesn't last forever

Now that's putting things in perspective. You could substitute "watch sports" with a lot of different things.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
dingbat, used to do a lot of those things until I had my 3rd bypass on both legs a few years ago. P.A.D.S. Then this past spring I almost blew out my back when the boat, trailer and truck all got stuck in the soft ground at our ramp. Been almost afraid to go out by myself anymore. But that's another story.

Still enjoy watching Pro Sports though not as much as I used to.To me it's losing it's entertainment value.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
dingbat, used to do a lot of those things until I had my 3rd bypass on both legs a few years ago. P.A.D.S. Then this past spring I almost blew out my back when the boat, trailer and truck all got stuck in the soft ground at our ramp. Been almost afraid to go out by myself anymore. But that's another story.

Still enjoy watching Pro Sports though not as much as I used to.To me it's losing it's entertainment value.

I've been very blessed, at least to this point, to be in very good health.

I've never been a "watcher". If I can't compete/participate, I have no interest in


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
I can understand the "watcher - particapant" perspective. I loved football when I was young though I was never "big" enough to compete so I watched.

Yes I envy those with above avg. good health. They are blessed. I still try to do more than I should and at times I think I can still do the things I could a few years ago. Even just 2 years ago I used to take the boat out and fish by myself at least 4 days a week. Some times more, fewer times less.

Many different ways that people entertain themselves. Some are like you, some like me. Others work, read, play video games all day and some do nothing but watch.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
I rarely watch sports live anymore, especially if they are on during daylight hours. I record pretty much everything so I can skip commercials, reviews and half time.


Aug 18, 2013
Growing up I was always the odd man out so to speak because if it didn't have wheels on it, or if I couldn't take it apart I didn't care for it. My father and grandmother tried for years to get me into sports. The closest anyone got was soccer which I played before it was popular here in the states. That drove them both crazy as they didn't get the game at all. As an adult I've followed the same path The only sports I've liked are college basketball ( Go UK Wildcats! ), and Formula One racing. The Admiral tells people all the time she got lucky when she married me. Although instead of sports I know she would love it if I spent a little less time under the hood of something.:D


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Are you a crib player? (I am)...

Yes sir! Been playing it 45 years. We had a good group that would play 4 handed, 2 have passed and one moved away. We used to play penny a point and a 25 cents a game and play all night long on Friday nights.

For sports when I was young it was Little League Baseball for a couple years, youth league bowling then interest went to Hot Rods, working, dirt bikes, working, boats then girls.