Re: Pressure treated ply curing
G4P:<br />Let me give another little tip to determine if your foam is shot.<br />Get a piece of 1/2" pipe, on your grinder sharpen the end,just turn it around and around till it is sharp.<br />Then shove it down to the bottom and get a core sample of the foam.<br />Cut it into sections, and lay on folds of paper towel. Then crush the foam and you can tell instantly if there is water saturation in the foam.<br />I bought a boat 2 weeks ago that, the dealer said the floor is rotten the foam is soaked, and the stringers are rotten.<br />I drilled core samples of the stringers, they are dry, core samples of the foam in 5 places its dry. I have to replace 1/2 the floor and the boat is ready to sell.<br />The floor is rotten in the one area where water run into the boat for at least 2 years through a missing vent. Due to freeze and thaw the floor went bad in one area.<br />Floors go bad from owners not covering the boat when not in use.