Re: Prairie Dog Fishn
We used to do something similar when I was stationed in Ft Carson, Colorado. We didn't use fishing tackle though. We used 550 cord (parachute cord), set the loop, and had about 20 feet ran out and tied off with a heavy stick. the theory was they popped up, the loop caught around their neck, and they ran back down the tunnel with the cord now firmly around the neck (the loop was quite small, the same as the tunnel entrance). The stick on the other end caught at the tunnel entrance, so all you had to do was wait. It was pretty fun, you would see the stick sliding across the dirt and get caught at the tunnel. You simply walked over and grabbed the stick, and hauled their little butts out. They put up quite a fight down in that tunnel. There were litterally hundreds of the disease infested things, and no one had any problems with us killing them. That whole black plague scare was going on at the time. There is also a slight possibility that we may or may not have used them as target practice with our M16s, but I cannot confirm or deny that....<br /><br />I saw a special about a guy who used a converted street sweeper to suck prarie dogs out of the tunnels, that was pretty damn funny to see. They were sucked into a padded chamber, and there was a camera in there sow you saw them being sucked at high velocity into the chamber and bounce all over the place.