Possible Project...What is it? What Year??


Apr 25, 2012
Crestliner (1).jpgCrestliner (2).jpgCrestliner (3).jpg

Visiting a friends lakehouse I spied this cabin cruiser off the beaten path last week. Originally after first seeing it and going off of memory, I thought it was a Dorsett Catalina...nope...a Crestliner. Approaching the boat (I first tried to reach the owners by knocking the three mobile campers on the property) it was evident that no one was on premise. I was able to get some quick picks (lakehouse resides in a shoot first-ask questions later territory) for posting.

Aside from not knowing if the engine runs, it appears that everything is good on the hull, just may need some interior work...maybe wood, and a tune up??

Was hoping maybe someone out there knows what model and year of this Crestliner is...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: Possible Project...What is it? What Year??

It looks like a crestliner explorer, early to mid sixties I'd guess-


Aside from not knowing if the engine runs, it appears that everything is good on the hull, just may need some interior work...maybe wood, and a tune up??

Famous last words :)

Figure the floor and transom are bad, until you know for sure otherwise. Judging from how it looks, I'd figure on replacing them. A bit of good news, though- Many crestliners of that vintage didn't use wood in the stringers, they were 'glass with aluminum reinforcements- So you might get lucky there.

If the 'selectric' shift outboard runs, and shifts OK, it's not a bad motor IF you take care of it (use the correct lower unit lube!), but if the electric shift is out, figure on replacing that, too... They did tend to be a little troublesome, and have a really bad reputation.


Apr 25, 2012
Re: Possible Project...What is it? What Year??

Thank you, very helpful. It does indeed look like an Explorer. I will hopefully catch the owners at home in the next couple of weekends and see just what I am looking at.