Re: Please help
(Some of this is redundant after reading Maclin's posts, but I am leaving here to emphasise the need for this info) Can you describe the boat for us? Length? Configuration? Year? I am guessing less than 200 horsepower, so depending on boat size this could be normal. Definitely need to learn how to use trim and tilt (kinda same thing, only a little different) The drive itself needs to be all of the way down in this case. Also, is there any weight other than people you can transfer to the front of the boat? Or simply get rid of? Weight is a killer on boats.
Also, what is the condition of the bottom of the boat? Clean? Smooth? You mention towing, so I assume this is a trailer boat, but it is still possible that you have a problem with the bottom. Also it is very possible that your engine is not running right, so the necessary power to push her over on plane is just not there. Also, it is possible that it is propped wrong. A prop with too much pitch could also cause this.
And finally, I agree with Maclin about the whale's tale, or hydrofoil. We need to determine what's really happening before we stick a bandaid on that could introduce new problems. If you need some help getting her to plane, the right way is with trim tabs, but again let's worry about that after we determine if what you have is right as is . . . Good luck, we'll get you through this, but please give us as much info as possible. Long posts are OK if they are full of relevant info.
You are in the right place, welcome aboard!!!