Please help - water issue


Mar 9, 2009
Re: Please help - water issue

Note it is a PITOT tube, not a pilot tube. Although pilots routinely look at airspeed indicators fed by pitot tubes. :) Also, there should never be any water in the pitot tube inside the boat. The tube should have nothing but air in it except for maybe a foot or two above the actual pitot mechanism outside the boat.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2012
Re: Please help - water issue

but I believe it is giving me a false reading

Most likely it is. I've only seen a small handful that actually worked right on older boats. If having the speedo working is important to you you'll probably need to buy a new set of guages.

Personally, I've always just purchased the speedo add-on for my depth-finder and gone by that. Having the in-dash speedo not functioning doesn't bother me a whole lot since even when that style does work, I never trust it to be right.


Sep 8, 2012
Re: Please help - water issue

Bond-o - Thank you for your post. I will check to make sure there is no water in the tube as it has water flowing through it from yesterday. I did attach as a push on fit and it is nice and snug but wanted to make sure that was all I needed to do.

Haulnazz15 - thank you for correcting me with "PITOT" tube as I said many times - I am new to boating and still learning.
As mentioned above, I will be checking to make sure there is no water in the "pitot" tube.

Coreybv - I don't care about the speedo working as my GPS has a speed indicator on it as well. My main concern of course was where all this water was coming from and I found the source. I will be running the boat tomorrow for 30 minutes to make sure no water is coming out of the tube I disconnected. Then I'm out of town tomorrow night for about 10 days and wanted to leave with a clear head. Last thing I needed was for my wife to call me and tell me the boat is underwater.

Gentlemen - I said it before and I'll say it agin - I thank all of you for taking the time to post and help me out. Learned a lot these
past few days and I really appreciate it. I'm sure you'll see more posts from me these next few months as I am eager to learn.
"CHEERS" and have a great Sunday!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2012
Re: Please help - water issue

I will be running the boat tomorrow for 30 minutes to make sure no water is coming out of the tube I disconnected.

If for some reason that tube slips off again, a quick "band aid" fix is to either flip the pitot tube up so it's pointing horizontally out from the boat, or to remove the tube from the pitot. Either will prevent water from being forced through the tube and into the cockpit. It's certainly not the "right way" for a long term solution, but it will allow you to use the boat without pumping it full of water.


Oct 18, 2011
Re: Please help - water issue

If the speedometer reads 20mph with the tube NOT attached; You have a gauge problem.
If it jumps to 20 when you attach the tube that is a different issue.

Blow into the tube at the speedometer end.
Have one of the kids tell you if the air is coming out of were you think it should.

Pitot Trivia:
The Pitot Tube is named after a French engineer.
The correct pronunciation is "PEE-TOE" not "Pit-Tot" :D

Presure is proportonal to the Square of the Speed.
The middle of the gauge will be 71% of the max.
So a 60 mph gauge will have 42 mph in the middle, not 30!
30 mph will be at the 25% mark.
Most gauges do not read very well much below 20mph.

Just for your reference...

2 psi = 17 mph (Typical pressure produced by a set of health lungs.)
6 psi = 30 mph
11 psi = 40 mph
24 psi = 60 mph
90 psi = 116 mph and Damaged Speedometer and Hoses!
Don't blow into it with the shop compressor. :eek:


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Please help - water issue

Do you have a pressure gauge in your instrument panel that measures the pressure of the cooling water? With two tubes coming in one would be for the speedometer the other for cooling water pressure. From as much water as you are getting it sounds like the tube that was leaking is the one for cooling water pressure. This pressure could be causing the speedo to show speed and pulsate when the engine is idling. 3 or 4 psi might show just about 20 mph on your speedometer.


May 21, 2009
Re: Please help - water issue

Yes, that tube that gives you 20 mph when the motor runs is not your speed tube, it's something from the motor. It should probably be blocked til you figure out what it's for. Try running the motor while stationary to see if it produces water then. If you only get the water while underway that's probably your pitot line. You can also test by having a helper gently add air at the stern to see which line it is.


Sep 8, 2012
Re: Please help - water issue

hmmmmm, just when I thought I had the problem solved - I'm getting a monkey wrench thrown into the mix...LOL..

dwco - this is something I will need to ck on this morning. If there is a cooling water pressure gauge, I will need to figure out if
that tube goes to the speedo or the cooling water pressure. If that's the case I will hook it up to the cooling water pressure and put
the other tube I disconnected back onto the speedo...The speedo wasn't working anyway and that's not a big deal to me. I only have the boat since the beginning of the summer and I thought (hoping) that the other tube was an old tube that was never removed from the boat because the one now attached looks much newer than the other one. Also, the pitot on the stern is brand new so that's why I was thinking (hoping) the last owner replaced the tube as well as the pitot.

NHGuy - the tube that is now connected to the speedo giving me the 20 mph reading was the tube that had water running through it when I started the motor and was stationary. I now have that tube hooked up to the speedo. The other tube which I removed from the speedo has no water running through it at all when I am stationary. So, your saying that the disconnected speedo tube would only have water running through it once I start to move. Of course the faster I go - I am assuming the more water would come through the disconnected tube (assuming this is the correct speed tube). - correct?

OK, so I have a few questions, if indeed the cooling water pressure gauge tube is hooked up to the speedo, obviously I need to
disconnect and reconnect to the cooling water pressure gauge and I will attach the original tube back to the speedo even though the speedo don't work.
What happens if this tube stays hook to the speedo??? What if there is no cooling water pressure gauge??? All the electrical switches - bilge, cabin lights, running lights horn, etc all work fine. As far as the gauges, I have the gas gauge and oil gauge working, but the speedo, tach and 2 other gauges are not working. I'm thinking now that one of the other gauges might be a cooling water pressure gauge. If so, is this gauge used for keeping the water cool running through the motor so it won't overheat? WOW, then I need to get this fixed ASAP. If not, is it something I need to worry about at this time. I know one of the gauges has almost a half circle (1/3 arc) on the right side of the gauge with an arrow on each end - no other markings on the gauge. Also, the needle is on the left...I have no idea what this gauge is.

I'm sorry for all these questions guys, just don't want to be out on the water and have issues...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2012
Re: Please help - water issue

If so, is this gauge used for keeping the water cool running through the motor so it won't overheat? WOW, then I need to get this fixed ASAP.

No, the guage doesn't keep the engine cool, it just lets you know that there is cooling water flowing through the engine. It's just a peace of mind thing, plenty of boats don't have that guage at all. My inclination would be to plug the tube and forget about it until some boring Sunday afternoon when I was looking for a project to keep me busy. Water temperature guage is important, water pressure guage, not so much.

So, your saying that the disconnected speedo tube would only have water running through it once I start to move. Of course the faster I go - I am assuming the more water would come through the disconnected tube (assuming this is the correct speed tube). - correct?

Correct on both counts.

You should be able to leave the boat docked and engine off with no fear of sinking until you have time to fix the issues. Just make sure your family knows not to use the boat while you're gone unless you get these issues resolved before hand.


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Please help - water issue

"I know one of the gauges has almost a half circle (1/3 arc) on the right side of the gauge with an arrow on each end - no other markings on the gauge. Also, the needle is on the left...I have no idea what this gauge is."

This gauge sounds like the trim indicator. It shows if the engine is tiled up or down. The one remaining would be the water pressure gauge. It might have numbers on it from 0 to 30 or 40. It gives you a basic idea about how well the water pump is supplying cooling water to the motor.
Jul 17, 2012
Re: Please help - water issue

This should all be a fairly simple fix. Trace the two tubes as follows:

One should go from the speedo to the pitot tube mounted on your stern. Some boats have a pitot type deal built into the lower unit. I suspect yours does not. This tube usually shoots water everywhere when you are moving at a high rate of speed if it is disconnected. Trace this tube and check for any pinches in the line. If this tube is pinched, your speedo will not register properly.

The other tube will most likely go from a water pressure gauge to a nipple usually found on the top stern side of your motor. Look under the cowl. The water pressure gauge has numbers on it. Most likely you have the water pressure gauge hose connected to the speedo if it is reading 20mph when not moving. If it reads this with the motor off then replace the gauge. This tube will shoot water if disconnected. The more then engine revs, the higher the water pressure will get and so the more water will come out of this tube if disconnected. This should happen whether you are moving or not.

One more note on these tubes. If I am not mistaken, the standard for attaching these tubes to your gauges and pitot/motor respectively is to use a small zip tie so that the tube cannot possibly be pulled off of the nipple it is connected to. Every boat I have ever worked on has been attached in this manner.

The other gauge that you describe has an up and down arrow on it should be your trim gauge. You have to check your wiring on it but usually the sending unit wire is tan or dark brown with a white stripe depending on the motor and harness that is in your boat. The tan or brown/white should be connected to the "S" or "SEND" terminal on that gauge. The tan wire should come from your harness. That gauge should also have a ground wire that is black connected to the "G" terminal. It will also have (or should have) a purple wire that connects to the "I" (ignition terminal). The purple wire should have +12V on it when you have the key in the run position. You should also have one more wire that is blue that connects to a terminal by a bulb.

Your gauges should be wired as follows:

The purple wire (+12V ignition) will come from the wiring harness or ignition depending on your exact set up to one gauge and then you will use short jumper wires with ring connectors to go from gauge to gauge so that all your gauge will have a purple wire coming from another gauge connecting your "I" terminals in series with exception of your last gauge where the purple wire will terminate and your first gauge which will have the purple wire come from the harness.

The black wire (ground) will be wired identical to the purple wire but the connections will be made to the "G", "GROUND", or "-" terminal.

The blue wire (+12V for Lights) will be wired in the same manner but the blue wire usually comes from the ignition switch itself straight to the gauges so that the gauge lights turn on with the ignition or it is tied directly into the hot wire for your nav lights so that when you turn on your nav lights the lights on the gauges turn on and then will be wired to the rest of the gauges in series in the same manner as stated above.

Your tach will usually have a grey wire that comes from the harness to the terminal marcked "S" or "SEND". The other terminals on this guauge will be wired in the sammer manner as above.
Most gauges have the "I" (Ignition {purple wire}), "G" (Ground{black wire}), and an "S" (Send{Color varies [grey = tach],[tan/blue and sometimes just tan or brown/white = trim]})

This link should help with visualizing the wiring.

Good Luck bud!