Please Help someone answer my question 1975 75 hp johnson outboard motor problems


Jun 29, 2008
I have a 1975 75hp Johnson motor, to hook the hose to it the motor runs fine but as soon as you get it in the water when you first take off its fine and then it starts dying down spitting and sputtering and loses power and won't go fast, replaced the fuel pump, checked the plugs they were fine, had a damaged wire on the regulator and put black tape on it just in case that was the problem, but its still won't perform in the water, used it some last year and it was fine, also the motor once we got it in the water for some reason started raising up on its own and came out of the water,,,odd. Now also the ignition needs to be replaced cause the one that had it before had broke the key in it and it cranks it but can fall out easy, but I don't forsee it causing the problem that were having with it now, can you help me figure this out? Oh and one more thing one of the gas hoses had a leak in it and I fixed it so there are no leaks.
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Supreme Mariner
Sep 19, 2003
Re: Please Help someone answer my question 1975 75 hp johnson outboard motor problems

Start with the lever on the port side. It needs to be flipped down before you run.

The ignition keys are standard, look for the number stamped on the face of the ignition switch.

You will need to get a screw-in compression tester and check the compression, then use a spark tester to check for spark. These tests should be run with all of the spark plugs out.

Test the rectifier. If it is bad, get rid of it. The engine does not need it to run, but if bad it can ruin your ignition.


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Feb 5, 2008
Re: Please Help someone answer my question 1975 75 hp johnson outboard motor problems

I Had The Same Prob With My 1975 135 Evinrude . The Way I Fixed Mine. First Remove Carburetors From Motor Open Them Up And Remove All The Jets And Float And Needle Then Let Them Soak In Gasoline For A Few Days That Will Clean Your Carbs Of Any Gunk . After A Few Days Take Them Out Af Gasoline And Blow Them Out With Air Compressor All The Jet Ports And Blow Hole Carb Clean. Then Clean Your Jets Put Carbs Back Together And When You Put Them Back On Motor Make Sure That They Fitup Nice And Make Sure That You Snuge Them Very Good. Because If Your Carbs Ore Loose You Will Get Air And Your Motor Will Not Idle Or Go Fast On Lake. I Did That To My Carbs And My Outboard Is Very Fast Now. Hope This Will Help Also Before Youi Put Carbs Back On Make Sure Your Reeds Are Fine Bad Reeds Can Make Motor Loose Power To