The word "ayuh" -- though it may seem at first to have a positive connotation --
may in fact be used both positively and negatively. It has extremely subtle
undertones which, if you’re not native, you can never hope to master. Only a
native New Englander can discern exactly how the speaker intends it by the
subtleties of intonation. Something which confuses people from away some
AYUH! - Simply means yes! Not to be confused with "Yarrr". Sometimes it is a generational thing. The younger generation finds it a bit cooler to say "Yarrr" instead of "Ayuh".
so is the sending gauge the thing scrwed into the side of the thermostat housing?
i have 2 of them one on each side......Since you have both a gauge AND a warning "beep" - that means you have both a sender for your gauge and a temp switch for the "beeper." The "thing" screwed into the side of the thrmostat housing is one or the other.
i had a mechanic do it..he may of lied and not changed wondering if i was lied to..I thought you replaced the impeller (new water pump kit)
Pull the hose from the transom, at the front of the engine,Hold it above the level of the transom. Does it shoot water several inches? Only do this for 15 seconds.
If not, impeller time.