Please help me find my revs

hundee r1

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 24, 2010
Re: Please help me find my revs

Got out and did some testing on Saturday.

Had my tacho checked by a shop confirming its spot on.
Water was dead calm, in a river
First WOT run, and as suspected the motor maxed out at 4100 rpm and just under 50km/hr-31MPH-27 knots.
I check with the timing light at WOT confirmed that even tho the timing had been set correct on crank speed only, under load it was 4-5 degrees retarded.
Slowly eased the timing up and the motor started responding well, few tweaks of the carbs along the way and I had the 3 cyl going much better.

So with the 17P we got it to rev cleanly to 4600rpm and max out at 58.6km/hr. -36mph – 31 knots

It was at this stage that we had a good baseline to work with so went back to the ramp to try the 15P.

Straight away we could tell the motor was more responsive, willing to rev freely and make the boat lurch from any revs. Quick check of the timing and it was still bang on, so opened her up and got the same top speed of but this time the oldshool 3 cyl was singing at 5100 rpm.
No rocket ship, but probs as good as it’s going to get with the package as it stands.

Im all ears if anybody thinks this thread needs any more, but I’m content with that


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Please help me find my revs

Isn't that motor supposed to run 5500 rpm.... I'd be tempted to drop the pitch a little more

hundee r1

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 24, 2010
Re: Please help me find my revs

Over on the force section plenty spin them as hard as 6000rpm, but my manual says for the 1992 90hp it should be between 4750 and 5250.

Its a fishing boat, and I travel distances with the conditions rarely good enough to sit at 30 knots anyway.

Im happy, Id be tempted at trying a 14P in Stainless steel, but probs only cos Im a gear head