Overheated, need help identifying pink liquid-


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
Hello everyone,

Just got a cabin cruiser with twin 3.0L Volvo Penta engines in it, both running perfectly for the first week. Then I threw a belt because a bolt vibrated loose, and one of the engines overheated to the point of smoking oil as my indicator. (reminder to always watch those gauges...)

Cause of overheat was obvious. Put the belt back on and tightened things down, let it cool for a while before starting it back up. It started just fine, but I noticed that the seal on the exhaust baffle was broken and leaking water into the bilge. Found the hose clamps loose there too, but while it was leaking into the hull, I saw a pinkish liquid mixed in with the water that was leaking out- I assume I've blown or melted a gasket somewhere along the line, but doesn't make sense to me that anything in the stern would have overheated, being in the water and in front of the engine, and I don't want to run the engine if it's letting seawater in anywhere it shouldn't be. (I came in on the other engine and left the overheated one off for the remainder).

What is pinkish in the system? Also, can anyone point me to a checklist of things to check/replace after an overheating event to make sure everything is in good repair?

Thanks for any info you can share!!


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
What is pinkish in the system? Also, can anyone point me to a checklist of things to check/replace after an overheating event to make sure everything is in good repair?

Pink - power steering fluid
overheat - watch the gauges (oil and water) and get your alarm circuit working. Check the hose clamps, use a nut drive and see if they can be snugged up. Bilge pump working?

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
Yep might have melted a ps line or power trim line if equipped.
Things to replace:
Any rubber hoses aft of the exhaust elbows and any rubber hoses, cables or wiring in close proximity to the exhaust system. Exhaust flappers if so equipped.
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Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
Thanks so much for the replies- I’ll be sure to check all things noted, and will get an alarm installed.

thanks again!