Re: operation repo: jet ski repo
What a load of ****. I've always wondered why these people don't call the cops on them & some of them aren't in prison. In CA you if you make it out to your vehicle you can legally prevent the repo guy from taking the vehicle. If some repo guy came to my place like they do they'd be picking bb's out for a few weeks.
I welcome the cops when I'm out there, it makes my job easier. BB' Try that with a guy that has a cwp like myself, it would be suicide by stupidity by the very sight of a gun....real or not.
If that guy isn't IN your home, he can shot you dead and get away with it. Keep that in mind anytime you pull a gun....real or not. It's all the same in the eye's of the law.
of course there's the other option of paying your bills so the repo man doesn't have to come for his property. after all it's not your's if you haven't paid for it.
Really? That's an option? Thanks captain obvious. By the way, it's not his property- it's whoever holds the title. The repo is more of a collection agent.
Exactly....take at look at one of your titles with a current lien, see the lien holder section? They have more power then you over that piece of collateral until it's signed off on. The bank is the one that shells out the $$ to buy the said's not yours until you have fulfilled your contractual agreement, or better know as your final payment, not payment #24 out of 48, but payment #48....or whatever your finial payment is.
Some of you guys sound like the deadbeats I deal with everyday. It's completely baffling to me how many people think they're entitled. You gave scratch that, you never had the complete ownership of that financed piece of property when you "purchased" the said financed property, because you didn't actually "purchase" it, you "agreed to purchase" it from the bank IF they shell out the cash to buy it up front. Does it suck that if you miss payment #47 on a 48 term loan that the bank has the right to the property AND all the money you had paid to date including interest; yes it does, but that is what you "agreed" to when you signed the papers. It's nothing but business to the banks, This we know to be true