On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Your up descrription does match what I have, maybe 5 - 7 second pause. When coming down, the motor is coming at the desired speed, but one of the trim rams will lower it self completely into the shaft, while he tilt ram lowers. If I tstop the action with the switch, the motor continues down, until the retracted trim ram rises to full extension. At that point, you hear a thud. I can continue down from this point, but the same sequence repeats.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

If you have a transom saver.

Lower motor until it rests on the saver.

Then watch the tilt rams , and see what they do.

They should come down one first then the other.

I believe its the port side then stbd.

You'll hear a change in motor when down all the way.

If it were me , I'd follow the trouble shooting procedures ,I told you about.

You could have allready performed all the tests , except pressure test by now.

And either found your problem or eliminated , all but the pressure test.



Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down

OK, the motor is not "free falling". The unit is trying to pull it down rather than simply letting it down.

Look at the area around the tilt tube (where the steering goes thru). As the motor tilts the outside brackets stay put - obviously. The inside bracket moves with the mid section. Corrosion can get in there and cause the motor to stick or jerk as it moves. Those grease fittings are there for this purpose. many folks think thats for greasing the steering but it's for the tilt process. There are bushings and washers in there that may require cleaning.

I remember seeing one so badly worn that this same thing happened. But that was very unusual. Most of the time it's simply a matter of getting it apart and cleaning things and a little grease.

Once the motor gets where it'll free fall the down cycle does nothing more than let it down easy. It's not designed to pull it down although it will. Or at least try.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

KYHunter2 said:
If you have a transom saver.

Lower motor until it rests on the saver.

Then watch the tilt rams , and see what they do.

They should come down one first then the other.

I believe its the port side then stbd.

You'll hear a change in motor when down all the way.

If it were me , I'd follow the trouble shooting procedures ,I told you about.

You could have allready performed all the tests , except pressure test by now.

And either found your problem or eliminated , all but the pressure test.


The trim and tilt raises and lowers the motor from completely up to down. The reservoir is full. My concern is the tilt ram on the port side retracting itself completely while lowering the outboard. If I release the switch, the motor will continue to fall and as the tilt ram shortens, the trim ram that had receded, extends it self. When it is fully extended, the motor stops its fall. I do not believe this is correct, having had a Mercury and this never occurred. I believe the motor should stop movement when you release the switch. I am also trying to find a factory manual as the Clymers does not cover troubleshooting well.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down

Dhadley said:
OK, the motor is not "free falling". The unit is trying to pull it down rather than simply letting it down.

Look at the area around the tilt tube (where the steering goes thru). As the motor tilts the outside brackets stay put - obviously. The inside bracket moves with the mid section. Corrosion can get in there and cause the motor to stick or jerk as it moves. Those grease fittings are there for this purpose. many folks think thats for greasing the steering but it's for the tilt process. There are bushings and washers in there that may require cleaning.

I remember seeing one so badly worn that this same thing happened. But that was very unusual. Most of the time it's simply a matter of getting it apart and cleaning things and a little grease.

Once the motor gets where it'll free fall the down cycle does nothing more than let it down easy. It's not designed to pull it down although it will. Or at least try.

I had injected grease into those fittings, but maybe repair is needed. The motor does move smoothly thru its up and down trim/tilt stroke


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down

Does the motor keep running when you release the switch ?

Definately , not right, your correct , when switch is released anywhere during the up / down cycle the engine should stop moving .

If the motor stops and the ram/rams , are still retracting.

It must be in the relief valves.

Some how its loosing pressure.

I can leave mine tilted in any position, while fishing.

And it never moves.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down

The motor stops. Once the trim ram is fully extended, the motor remains at that postion with no more movement.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down

Loosen the nuts on the tilt tube and spread the brackets slightly to see if that helps. If so, then you know where to look. You may have some sticking in the tilt ram pin area too.

The unit is acting normaly for one that has no pressure on it during the down cycle. If you had that unit on the bench and at full tilt and hit the down button the tilt ram would start to come down, then one or the other trim ram will come in, then the other, then the tilt ram would finish coming down.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down

Now that I am home from work, I will loosen the nuts and use the transom saver to prop up the outboard and run the PTT motor down to watch both trim rams. Will get back.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down

Well I loosen the tilt nuts and operated the system. with no improvement. Used the transom saver to watch the retraction of the trim rams. As stated, the port side withdrew first, then the starboard. Raised the outboard back up to remove the transom saver, then lowered all the way. The port side retracted before the outboard came in contact wiyith it and the starboard ram wwas the only ram incontact with the outboard til it bottomed out. Raising the outboard, both trim rams were pushing the outboard. Replace trim and tilt completely?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down
