On PTT, one trim ram lowers while tilting down


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down the motor. If I release the switch, the motor continues to fall until the ram fully extends. Checked to ensure enough fluid is in system and it appears so. If I lower the motor all the way, I must physically assist the raising of the outboard to a point before it kicks in. Trim moter is running during these times. Any suggestions on what to check to solve this problem?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Not sure , but sounds like air in the lines / low fluid .

I'd raise the motor all the way up , and check the level again.

If you checked it any other way , its incorrect.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Level was checked with motor fully raised. Cycled up and down a few times, level checked. Checked a couple of times. But, no fear, tomorrow is another day and I will cycle the motor some more and check the level again. With the outboard mounted on the boat, the reservior is not level. Could the 1/4 - 1/2 inch difference in fluid levels make a difference?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

I don't think a small amount , as you stated.

Would cause your problems.

A weak trim/tilt motor might.

You didn't post the year or anything about your motor.

When the motor kicks on, does it stay running as long as switch is engaged ?

I'd be sure, either the solenoid or relays, are operating correctly.

Of course, you've verified , that there are no leaks.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

I do not think it is the trim motor, least I hope not. Just replaced that. No signs of fliud leaking. If I keep it in the range of full tilt to just at the second hole in mounting fixtures, it runs and cycles perfect.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Motor runs as long as the switch is held. 1977 evinrude 140hp. Off topic, but have you heard of a town called Somerset, in Kentucky? That is where I was born.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Thanks, first thing in the morning, I will try.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Yours has the solenoid , instead of relays , correct?

Just to be sure , I'd jump the solenoid out of the circuit , both up and down ,and see what happens .

If no change I'd look to the motor, if everything else checks out , ok.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Im at a loss then , sorry.

Its a simple system , control switch, solenoid (switch), pump/ motor, cylinders , and hydraulic pressure.

I'm out of ideas, but it wouldn't be the first time, a new part , was junk.

Good -luck,



Chief Petty Officer
Mar 20, 2006
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

I thought of somthing else, make sure the manual release valve is fully closed.

And when you filled it .

Did you install plug, and cycle down and back up , checking fluid on the fully up position, refilling to threads in hole.

If not , try it this way .

Doing the same thing , at least 5-6 times.

You can do a pressure test , but it requires removal of the unit, and you'll need a guage.

Id save it for the last.

We had a problem , similar to yours years back.

And for some reason , it was a bear to get the resevoir full.

If you dont have the procedures for doing a amperage and current draw test.

Shoot me your email and I'll send the info. to you .

Too much to type.

Make sure you check everything else first .

All connections , switch , wiring, solenoid, etc. etc.

The motor can still run, but not be able to draw the necessary amperage to work properly.

As I said I can scan and e-mail the tests, as stated.

As well as all the tests for the whole system .

Really though , if you don't have one, you need to get a manual.

That is if you want to fix it yourself.

Just being able to use part of the stroke is not working.

But a sign of trouble coming. Need to get it corrected first.

One component failing/ weak , can cause damage to others , in an electrical circuit.

Due to incorrect, current draw , surges, etc. etc.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

I cycled the outboard 5 times, raised it all the way up and checked the level. It was fine. I repeated the same procedure, but bottomed out the motor. After one time assisting the motor to rise, it completely raised and lowered on its own. Checked th e fluid level and again was fine. I still have the problem with the ram, retreating when lowering it. But in the 15 degree trim area, the ram works fine. just when I raise and lower beyond that point, does it act up.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

What kind of fluid are you using?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Dextron III


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

OK, as I understand it, if the motor is all the way down the trim motor works but you have to help it up, right?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Not any more. What does happen is one of the rams retracts as the motor descends during the tilt phase. When you release the switch, the motor continues to fall until the ram is fully extended. In raising the motor, you there is a pause while this ram gets enough push to push it thru the trim phase. Past the 15 degree mark, the center piston takes over and moves the motor up with ease.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Ok, but lets start at the begining. If the motor is all the way down, will it go all the way up by itself? Or do you have to help it up?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

It will raise by its self. In raising the motor, you there is a pause while this ram gets enough push to push it thru the trim phase. Past the 15 degree mark, the center piston takes over and moves the motor up with ease.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

I guess I'm not quite following. When the motor is all the way down and you hit the up button both trim rams will contact the motor at the same time and push the motor together to the top of the trim range. This is a fairly slow moving process. When the tilt takes over it's almost as it "shifts" and the motion thru the til range is fairly fast.

Is this what's happening? Up only -- down is different but up has to work right first.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 17, 2005
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

You are close. At full down and trying to lift, there is a pause, which I believe is the pressure is being built up in the faulty ram so that the pair can push the motor thru the trim phase. Once it starts to push, the action is as you described. When lowering the motor from full up, the rams retracts as the motor lowers. If I stop lowering before the one extended ram has made contact, the motor will continue to lower, until the retracted ram is pushed back to full extension. It is as if the fliud from the piston is pushing into the ram to extend it. Once it is fully extended, motion stops. Left in this position overnight and the motor did not fall any further.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

Re: On PTT, one ram lowers while trimming down

OK, at full down whats the "pause" youre talking about? If the motor is resting on the thrust rod it may be off the rams by a little bit. Once you hit the up button the pump will run but the motor won't move for a second or two depending on which hole the thrust rod is in. Then as the two trim rams hit the saddles on the motor they should move the motor up together. There may be another pause as the trim rams reach their full extension and the tilt ram takes over. That's all normal.

Let's assume that it works that way. That tells us that the pressure relief valves are all working, the rams are not leaking and the manual release is sealing. Now we can look at the down cycle. If the up cycle doesn't work that way, we need to fix that before we look at the down cycle.

OK, assuming the up works perfectly and we have the motor at full tilt, we hit the down button. The pump runs and the motor tries to come down. What happens at this point?