omc thermostat housing


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 16, 2003
Re: omc thermostat housing

I had the same problem with my original OMC housing. The thing was so corroded that the O-ring wouldn't hold the thermostat in place any longer. I ended up trying several aftermarket options and like you are experiencing, they didn't work out quite right. I did find one NOS housing at Jackson's Marine in North East Md, but wasn't about to drop $177 for a t-stat housing.

After a lot of research, I found that there was an overlap in parts usage between Volvo and OMC in the early 90's after Volvo purchased OMC where some parts were mixed and matched to get rid of the remaining OMC inventory. IIRC, I ended up using a housing from a '92 Volvo 5.7 that works just fine. the only problem is that the mixing area for the raw water and the hot water coming out of the engine is a bit larger than the original OMC housing, and the temp sensor sets higher than the original location. This results in an accurate temp reading at idle with the 160 degree t-stat, but the temp reading will quickly drop below 120 once the RPMs come up. I've checked and re-checked the operating temperatures with an inferred thermometer and every place on the engine is operating at the correct temp.

Another option is to plug the temp sender hole in the t-stat housing and use the fitting on the left side (looking from the front of the engine) of the intake manifold. If you go this route, be advised that this fitting taps directly in the water jacket surrounding the exhaust port of the cylinder. This location will give an accurate temp at running RPMs, but will climb to over 220 degrees when coming off plane due to the thermostat closing and restricting the water flow through the water jacket. This was a bit unnerving to me, so I moved the temp sender back to the t-stat housing and re-verified that the engine was operating at the correct temperature with my inferred thermometer.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
Re: omc thermostat housing

post deleted,

You know,

If you just add some punctuation and sentence line-feeds it makes it A LOT easier for all of us to HELP YOU! You really don't have to resort to personal attacks to get your point across.:rolleyes:


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 16, 2003
Re: omc thermostat housing

Telling me "its damn hard to read without periods" I find ,is a personal slam .To me ,because a sentence does not have a period and runs on certainly still can be read and figured out. This is not college ,this forum is not a school project its a great site that helps so many people. I have been on this site two years longer than you and have used it to build 4 boats. To have forum police review and grade your work and point out things like grammar and no periods after a sentence is ridiculous and have no place on a boating forum where tha main focus should be on helping each other.Im sure he had no idea what I was talking about and thats why he said what he said without a solution. Iam very thankful for all the help I have had here but come on can we stick to helping each other about our problems we have with our vessels and your right, personal attacks including what he started should not be allowed here.

Howard Sterndrive

Rear Admiral
Nov 5, 2008
Re: omc thermostat housing

I did find one NOS housing at Jackson's Marine in North East Md, but wasn't about to drop $177 for a t-stat housing.
the one discussed here (3850360) is $84.13 new at any Evinrude dealer.. it's not obsolete so don't fall for the NOS line.. another dealer trying to capitalize on the perception that OMC parts are hard to get
Another option is to plug the temp sender hole in the t-stat housing and use the fitting on the left side (looking from the front of the engine) of the intake manifold.
that's where the temp sender is on every V6 or V8 OMC I have seen - always on the intake manifold starboard side front
I have never experienced the hot surge of temp you saw.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: omc thermostat housing

Telling me "its damn hard to read without periods" I find ,is a personal slam .To me ,because a sentence does not have a period and runs on certainly still can be read and figured out. This is not college ,this forum is not a school project its a great site that helps so many people. I have been on this site two years longer than you and have used it to build 4 boats. To have forum police review and grade your work and point out things like grammar and no periods after a sentence is ridiculous and have no place on a boating forum where tha main focus should be on helping each other.Im sure he had no idea what I was talking about and thats why he said what he said without a solution. Iam very thankful for all the help I have had here but come on can we stick to helping each other about our problems we have with our vessels and your right, personal attacks including what he started should not be allowed here.

We communicate here in English, drem. Writing in English includes capitalization and punctuation if you wish to be understood. If it didn't matter you wouldn't have been taught how to do it in grade school.

If people ask you to capitalize and punctuate so that THEY CAN UNDERSTAND AND HELP the courteous thing to do is capitalize and punctuate, rather than rant defensive insults as though you have some right to be sloppy and inaccurate in your typing and you are being denied that right. I sure hope you don't take that attitude about working on boats or motors.

If you don't know how to capitalize or punctuate, say so. People would be more tolerant. If you know how to communicate effectively and accurately you would do yourself a big favor by doing so.