My '93 Four Winns w/an OMC Cobra drive and 5.0 (Ford 302) is overheating.
Already changed the thermostat and impeller, and though it may seem a little better, it still hasn't cured it.
After running it on muffs, I pulled off the impeller housing and found this:
Water doesn't seem to be draining from that left "port" (not sure what it's called).
Is this normal?
Could it be indicative of a clogged water passageway?
Is there a way to hook up the engine itself to a water source and bypass the drive?
Any input is appreciated,
Already changed the thermostat and impeller, and though it may seem a little better, it still hasn't cured it.
After running it on muffs, I pulled off the impeller housing and found this:

Water doesn't seem to be draining from that left "port" (not sure what it's called).
Is this normal?
Could it be indicative of a clogged water passageway?
Is there a way to hook up the engine itself to a water source and bypass the drive?
Any input is appreciated,