omc 4.3 stalling, low power, loses prime, sucks filter half dry.. weak pump?

Jul 5, 2012
Recent update decided to start a new thread since its a new problem.. my 4.3 is having an issue where it will fire and run for a while, few minutes, then die. And it runs really rough at 2800/3000 rpm which is as high as it will go on land or in water. Its draining the fuel filter halfway then shutting off. I remove the fuel filter, top it off, itll fire right up and run for a while then die. sometimes for 30 seconds sometimes for ten minutes depending on throttle. But when it dies again the filters half dry and i pump the throttle, no fuel in carb..

Ive checked all fittings to make sure all are tight, replaced the filter on the carb inlet, replaced the water separator, and checked all the tank lines vents pickup screen etc. All good.

I also removed the check ball completely because: the prev. Owner put a napa fuel pump on, and it was having the same problem but worse. To find the pump didnt have the pressure to unseat the ball. Got no fuel from tank. Removed it and runs alot longer between stalling. Im thinking the pump is just not strong enough to keep the filter and carb bowl filled? Its running a sttaight line from tank to fikter now, so no restrictions at all. Just cant keep filter filled.. should i get a better pump im thinking?