Old Starcraft Flotation Question


Mar 7, 2013
I tried searching, and I can't seem to find any real answers besides arguments.

I'm about to embark on a 1972 Starcraft Holiday restoration, I've peaked under the deck and there seems to be barely any white styrofoam left under there, not sure how much there's supposed to be really but theres just a couple of pieces left.

I read a bunch of the other Starcraft restoration projects and I've seen a mix of everything, even some people who chose no foam under the deck.

My boat doesn't stay in the water at all, it's always trailered and just used for a couple day trips over the summer. With how much foam I found under the deck is it really necessary to use flotation? If so then which type should I go for? I've read not to use pour in foam, but others say that it's fine unless theres proper drainage, and then theres sheet foam or pool noodles, which I don't honestly see keeping the boat floating if something were to happen.

If you guys could give me a little direction where to go on this flotation I'd really appreciate it.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Old Starcraft Flotation Question

Welcome to iBoats!!
You're right about the arguments. Bottom line is this... It's your boat and you are free to do as you wish. You have seen ALL the various methods used. Each has it's Pro's and Con's. If you do the calculations on Cubic feet and Floatation Properties of the given foam being used you can come close to finding out how much needs to be used. I'm NOT a "Tinner" so I cannot speak from experience, but I'm sure you will get a LOT of responses from the Tin Crowd in a short while. But again, I just want to say, It's Your Boat, and I'd do What You see fit! Safety should be your #1 guiding factor. Good luck with your Restoration


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Old Starcraft Flotation Question

Hi Monkey Tang. I would keep flotation foam in, if at all possible. The key is to remove the old, white styrofoam which can soak up water over time and replace it with closed cell foam such as the pink/blue insulation board available at Lowes/HD. While most boats only come with foam under the bench seats, it's best if you can add more. Lots of folks fill the entire area beneath their decks with foam for good measure. It won't keep the boat from getting swamped, but it will keep it floating 1"-2" above the surface even if it should be completely filled with water.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Old Starcraft Flotation Question

I would cram as much pink/blue/green extruded polystyrene foam under the deck and behind your side panels as I could fit.


Mar 7, 2013
Re: Old Starcraft Flotation Question

are there any tips to securing it so it doesn't move around under the deck? I absolutely hate the noise of foam rubbing together and if I could hear it I might just jump overboard


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Old Starcraft Flotation Question

You can glue the pieces to each other and/or simply cut the panels to fit the various cavities you're filling. Most folks don't have and issue with noise. You can even use large, plastic bottles with the caps sealed tightly. Do a search here in the forums and you'll find tons of examples of various forms of flotation foam. I would stay away from the 2-part, pourable variety as it can be a real PITA to clear out if need be.