Off kilter - remove some foam?


Apr 7, 2009
My new-to-me 1992 aluminum 15-foot Sea Nymph TX155 (with starboard console) is badly off balance when I am at the console. It lists to starboard. I tried moving both batteries towards the port side, but it did not rectify. The batteries can really only be center-port, not port, because of boat construction - see photo below please. The small (5 gallon) gas tank can be in the middle at best. If I drive the boat while sitting in the middle of the bench seat, it is about even. Some starboard foam has been removed to accomodate wiring. Would removing some port foam be a decent or stupid idea to achieve some equilibrium? I've even thought about removing enough foam to actually put the batteries in that compartment. But, I'm sure the engineers thought of that...
Thanks for some input,


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Jul 18, 2004
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

The foam does not effect the way the boat floats in the water. The foam's only use is to keep the boat bouyant if it should ever be submerged. I wouldn't remove any of it.

However if the foam is holding water it could be adding weight to the boat where you don't want it.

You didn't mention if the listing is prevelant at all speeds or if it levels out some with speed. What about if there is no one in the boat sitting still?

Shifting weight like you are trying to do is about the only way to get the boat to sit more level if everything is dry and you aren't carrying extra weight somewhere.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2008
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

If you ease up on the hamburgers and beer it should self correct over time.

Just kidding, you could try to add some ballast to the other side (a cooler full of ice for the fish you catch?). Narrow boats suffer from this with a single occupant. My little 13' was bad for that too...eventually I got so used to it that I never even noticed.



Apr 7, 2009
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

It only lists when my lard butt is at the console, and at any speed underway. (I weigh 169 lbs.)
I won't be removing any foam - I read enough old posts to respect the foam.
What I will do, is relocate the bow mount electric trolling motor from starboard to port. That should help, and perhaps I will get used to any remaining list.
You know, now that I think about it, maybe I should make the bottom of my boat available for advertising space.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Remove some of the foam on one of those side compartments. Build a wooden platform that will sit level inside the compartment and install your batteries there. That will shift the battery weight to the light side.

You'll need to hinge the cover for that compartment for access, and use neoprene grommets to pass the wiring from the batteries through. Otherwise, it's a no-brainer.


Apr 7, 2009
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Creating a little dugout area within the foam for one of the two batteries would probably be close to perfect for balance, but I am just hesitant because of what I read about how the foam helps maintain rigidity.
It is a perfect time to do this however, as I am replacing all the decking and carpeting right now.
Would charging the battery while it is in the foam compartment be a safety issue at all?
Thanks for all the input, sirs.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 6, 2006
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Creating a little dugout area within the foam for one of the two batteries would probably be close to perfect for balance, but I am just hesitant because of what I read about how the foam helps maintain rigidity.
It is a perfect time to do this however, as I am replacing all the decking and carpeting right now.
Would charging the battery while it is in the foam compartment be a safety issue at all?
Thanks for all the input, sirs.

The foam does add rigidity, but you could frame in a battery box now and mantain the rigidity. Add foam around any loose spots. Leave access to the battery and you should be good to go.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Actually, in that boat, I doubt if the foam has any structural purpose. The framing of the compartments is the structural component. It's there for flotation.

If you move batteries into that compartment, you could add foam to the current battery compartment to keep the flotation amount intact.

As for charging, I'd find a way to ventilate your new battery compartment. Hinging the cover over the batteries would allow you to simply open the compartment for ventilation, and give you access to the batteries and wiring. You could also add a vent to the compartment. If you do, put it on the side of the enclosure, rather than on the top. You don't want water getting in there. You can find suitable vents at any hardware store.

I don't see a downside to moving batteries over there. The space isn't available for storage, and you can relocate the foam you remove to the old battery compartment. As long as there's space in there, I'd go for it.

One last thing: Protect the compartment, if possible, by using standard plastic battery holder boxes to contain the batteries.


Apr 7, 2009
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Well, I think CATransplant has won me over to the port side.
Okay, that was lame.
This is kind of a now-or-never thing for me since I'm already redecking and recarpeting, and have much of the boat disassembled right now. The listing really does drive me nuts.
I'll construct a safe and strong accessible compartment and buckle in the plastic, covered battery boxes with proper side venting into the former batterys' area.
And then I'll post some pictures if it's successful.
I appreciate all your help,
SDP in Wisconsin


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Just don't go to the Dark Side, young Jedi!

I don't think there is anything wrong with your boat. It is only 15 feet long and your body weight represents a significant portion of the total weight, when you are in it. When you move that weight to one side, the boat is going to list in that direction. I have a 17.5 foot fiberglass trihull and it does the same thing, just by buring all the fuel in one of my saddle tanks. Each tank only holds 12 gallons, which is a little over 72 pounds in weight. Since that is less than half your body weight, and my boat weighs more than yours does, you can see the significance of weight placement.

Sounds like Cat has a good idea. I would follow up on it.


Vice Admiral
Aug 12, 2007
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

My boat is very similar, 16' Sea-Nymph , no the foam in the side pods isn't structural, so it shouldn't be a problem to remove it and put your batteries in there.

My foam was waterlogged so I pulled all of it and didn't replace but I trailer my boat and fish a river so I am never more than a 100' from shore and I have 2 bilge pumps, a 500 and 1100gph and there is an alarm on the 1100 so if it fires I know immediately there is a problem.

Just watch, you may correct one problem and cause another if you get the boat to run right while driving it may list when fishing.

I actually got my main battery in under the bow deck to help with listing to the rear.


Apr 7, 2009
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Yes, the law of unintended consequences... I've been trying to imagine what other problem I might (almost definitely will) create, but at least I'll stay busy.
Today is opening day for gamefish in Wisconsin, and I'm hoping to get out tomorrow, with or without carpeting and moved batteries.

Mike Robinson

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 29, 2005
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

Something to consider is that if you mount the batteries higher than they are now it will raise the center of gravity of the boat. It may not be significant in your particular boat though, it depends on how "tender" it is already.

Have you considered moving the the steering wheel closer to the center of the boat?


Apr 7, 2009
Re: Off kilter - remove some foam?

I moved one of two batteries into the port side compartment (see photo in first post) after removing just enough foam to accomodate it. I went out fishing on Sunday afternoon, and it was almost perfectly balanced - which is probably perfect.

I appreciate all your advice; my annoying problem is solved.
