I lived in S/E Michigan south of Detroit in what we call the Downriver Area as it is downriver on the Detroit River from Detroit. We would cruise that area. From the Riverview McDonalds up to the Southgate McDonalds then up to the Lincoln Park Big Boy. Those were fun times. Gas was .25 cents a gallon and we could cruise just about all week on $5 worth of gas.
Didn't cruise that much ... 'course I only had an Escort, so it wasn't all that cool lookin' against the other stuff. But the cruising I did do was on Telegraph a little north of you. We'd run Plymouth Road out in Plymouth at times ... but that was 'cuz Daily's out there had good ice cream
Telegraph was our main run, as far North as Southfield depending on who we thought was out.
After 696 was put in, a buddy of mine and I used to race guys out there in a Chevy Baretta he put together. Amazed we never got pulled over for those runs.