oddjobs troll-Global Warming!


Jun 19, 2002
I love history. Especialy Florida and Indian History. I always wondered about the Calusa Indians that were here before the Seminoles(run aways) came here from Alabama and Georgia. There's not much known of them is what the books I've read usually say. <br />We have a state park called Johnathan ****erson State Park. I camped there once because it leads to the Jupiter Inlet but I didnt know the history about him until I saw a book ( last week) about his Journal in the 1690's. <br />Seems his ship and crew shipwrecked there and he kept a journal of what took place after among the indians and the Spanards. <br /><br />I one thing that struck me most is that he survived two Huricanes during the ordeal. The first one of course wrecked the ship...the second....months or weeks later forced them to abandand the Calosa indians main village and move inland several miles to another village (higher) where the water rose all the way the the chickee hut floor. The second cane last three day before the water began to recede.<br /><br />I didnt know Global Warming has been going on this long...!<br /><br />Oh BTW I have a Florida Treasure map that shows all the significant wrecks and gold lost. Most all the gold and ships lost were due to hurricanes. <br /><br /><br />See for yourselfs.... web page


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Two more good reads on hurricanes and global warming.<br /><br /> http://www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=25753 <br /><br /> http://www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=25754 <br /><br />Here is a quote from some forecasters from Colorado State University.<br />"We believe that there is likely little or no relationship between the small observed warming of the globe over the past thirty years and changes in global tropical cyclone activity or intensity." <br /><br />Ken

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

For global warming critics, Michael Crichton's State of Fear, is a good read. It includes some pretty extensive research to support both sides of the argument. From what I hear, he had the idea to write the book because he wanted to bring global warming to people's attention. But after completing the research for the book, he took a different view and now sees global warming as a lie.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Okay, smartguy, if global warming is a reality, then why hasn't the<br /><br />
<br /><br />Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader outfit gotten any skimpier?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

I dont know about yall, buts its getting warmer over here.<br /><br /> :D <br /><br />Ken


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Hello!... :D <br /><br />OJ... I'm still lookin' for the wreck that the scavengers have'nt found and mapped!... ;)


Jun 19, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Who knows how much gold is beneath our boats and feet. The Indians then knew the significance of the gold. When the ships would wreck off the coast the Cassakee (chief) of the tribe would confiscate the chest of gold and bury it away and hope the Spanards ( up north at St. Augustine )would not come looking for it. That happened several times in this story where the chest would change hands to a higher chief if he found out. The Hobes as well as others later tried to persuede the castaways thaT St. Augustine lied south of Hobe inlet. And that they should travel that way. If they took their advice they would have perished. Either way, the word of the ship-wreck eventually reached St Augustine before John ****erson did. ****erson was English. He and his crew survived mostly because they claimed to be Spanish. The Calusa were suspicious, For only one man of the castaways spoke it.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Can somebody just please explain to me why it is so important to deny the possibility of global warming?<br />Personally I think the energy producing companies have a huge stake in denying global warming whether it exists or not.Big tobacco denied for years that smoking is bad for you even though they knew the facts that pointed to the opposite.Big asbestos did the same and big lead (like in your paint)is fighting right now although they know what lead does.<br />Big oil,gas and coal effectively stopped the succesful development of safe nuclear energy,cynically using hippies to promote their purpose.<br />Most people that deny this idea are heavy energy users or just fear that their life style might have to change and they have a practical stake in claiming it to be a pile of hog wash<br />If global warming,which most nations in the world believe is happening,is taken out of the political arena.Would you non believers be willing to take another look at the facts and assumptions?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

I dont think anyone is denying there is global warming.<br /><br />I think there is significant arguments as to why and is this a long term trend or a short term trend.<br /><br />Ken


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Initial appologies to Get Reel, Achris, ewen, Dunaruna and of course some that I have missed. I guess I will also need to appologize to Bro (Stan), RJPS, Trog100 and maybe even Stevens . . .<br /><br />I am currently traveling in Australia on biz with our new English CEO. I have had a few dinners with him and Aussies along the way while here and sometimes (always) Global Warming comes up. If I even hint that I think it may be hype and/or not caused by people, they look at me like I am:<br /><br />a) really stupid, b) just another arrogant Yank that wants to keep ruining their lives by driving an SUV (never mind that my boss drives an S class Merc), c) just kidding, right?<br /><br />There is no doubt whatsoever in their minds that the fish are leaving, their droughts are all about GW, if it weren't for the Americans their economies would be allowed to grow faster too, but they need to be the responsible ones.<br /><br />The BBC and CNN have absolutely polluted these people's minds!!!! It is wrong. Maybe I should hand out free copies of Crichton's book. Jeeez!!<br /><br />BTW, we meet with the Australian Greenhouse Gas Office today. They fund some of what we are doing. I just have to sit there and bite my tongue and say thank you. You see, the product I sell reduces CO2 and equivalents from trucks and they think we are saving the planet. Maybe the yanks aren't so bad after all . . . :D


Jun 19, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Most people that deny this idea are heavy energy users or just fear that their life style might have to change and they have a practical stake in claiming it to be a pile of hog wash
Defininately not a big user....if you want to take us back to the stone age I would probably fair well. But until we go that route I would like to survive in the today world.
If global warming,which most nations in the world believe is happening,is taken out of the political arena.Would you non believers be willing to take another look at the facts and assumptions?.... yes <br />
BTW Johnathan ****erson was not a politician. He simply wrote down what happened......not what he suspected. <br /><br />Also, the Calusa built their villages on shell mounds high above tidal floods...some of the mounds date 1000's of years......there was one in the ten thousand islands that was 25 feet tall.<br /><br />So Rolmops, your suggesting that Global Warming exists and has nothing to do with hurricanes? Correct?


Jun 19, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Originally posted by Quietcat:<br /> Initial appologies to Get Reel, Achris, ewen, Dunaruna and of course some that I have missed. I guess I will also need to appologize to Bro (Stan), RJPS, Trog100 and maybe even Stevens . . .<br /><br />I am currently traveling in Australia on biz with our new English CEO. I have had a few dinners with him and Aussies along the way while here and sometimes (always) Global Warming comes up. If I even hint that I think it may be hype and/or not caused by people, they look at me like I am:<br /><br />a) really stupid, b) just another arrogant Yank that wants to keep ruining their lives by driving an SUV (never mind that my boss drives an S class Merc), c) just kidding, right?<br /><br />There is no doubt whatsoever in their minds that the fish are leaving, their droughts are all about GW, if it weren't for the Americans their economies would be allowed to grow faster too, but they need to be the responsible ones.<br /><br />The BBC and CNN have absolutely polluted these people's minds!!!! It is wrong. Maybe I should hand out free copies of Crichton's book. Jeeez!!<br /><br />BTW, we meet with the Australian Greenhouse Gas Office today. They fund some of what we are doing. I just have to sit there and bite my tongue and say thank you. You see, the product I sell reduces CO2 and equivalents from trucks and they think we are saving the planet. Maybe the yanks aren't so bad after all . . . :D
Oh boy, I saw a documentary on the history of Austrailia a few weeks ago. On PBS, and it stated the reasons for the drought are due to de-forestation to raise cattle and sheep over the decade and there is little end in site. :confused: <br /><br />Their economy grew too fast during the early cattle and sheep boom in the 1800's? They clear ALL the land.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

In fact I do.<br />My reasons are simple and not politically motivated.<br />We know that the planet was a lot warmer millions of years ago(research of deluvial strata specializing in length of fur and types of pollen found).We know that for millions of years carbon has been buried in the ground.( It has become either coal or other type of hydro carbon-oil).<br />For the past 400 years and specially the last hundred years(population explosion)we have diligently dug up the coal or pumped this hydro carbon back into the atmosphere.It took millions of years to bury it and only a few hundred to put it back into the living biosphere.<br />Until vaccinations were invented(mid eighteen hundreds)the human world population was counted in hundreds of millions.Today we approach 7 billion.That is a huge increase in energy using bio mass.<br />Modern technology caused the amount of energy used per human to really increase a lot.<br />That in very simple terms is the reason why I believe that global warming,caused by or at least accelerated by human beings is a reality that is not to be denied.<br />As for hurricanes.Nobody denies that they have been around all along.The disasters we see have more to do with dense population where there should be swamps and other hurricane absorbtion landscape.Or we should act like the dutch by declaring the threat of water the first national cause and act accordingly.However,everybody knows,that the warmer the water is,the bigger the hurricane will be.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

rolomops,<br /><br />You know better than that. You have only sited potential causes, no direct link.<br /><br />I think I am losing some fur (hair) though, so maybe I should pay closer attention :D You, my friend, have been sold a bag of goods. People love to gobble up hype. Don't be a sucker. I actually support most measures that are considered to ease GW. I am not sure why more efficient use of energy is a bad thing, but I react to truth, not BS.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

From Quietcat<br />Quote><br /><br />a) really stupid, b) just another arrogant Yank that wants to keep ruining their lives by driving an SUV (never mind that my boss drives an S class Merc), c) just kidding, right?<br /><br />Quote off<br /><br />Ok, so which is it? I am curious.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: oddjobs troll-Global Warming!

Originally posted by Quietcat:<br />[QB] rolomops,<br /><br />"You know better than that. You have only sited potential causes, no direct link."<br /><br />That, my friend is a matter of opinion.and this is where it becomes politics.<br />I just look for cause and effect.