NS5B Gasket kit sourcing.


Apr 20, 2008
Re: NS5B Gasket kit sourcing.

Thank you sir! The engine LU is much better looking than I thought it was going to be. Still have not got the prop housing off, but I have to wait until Sunday as I am heading out of town. The manual does not say much about getting these parts off... It literally says: remove 2 bolts... remove prop shaft housing... and so on. Pretty vague.

Just to be clear, your are talking about putting 2 screws with a crossbar into the 2 screw slots in the LU that screw horizontally into the housing yes? It was my impression that this end part of the housing comes off also, does it not (the very end where the screw heads sit) atleast in my manual it appears that way.

One does not bury the heads of the 2 6mm screws. One uses them as puller legs. In this case, they are actually "pushers". They need to be long. You would need to understand how a puller operates. In this case, instead of applying pressure to push in the center, you would be pulling on the prop shaft, and pushing on the bolts, so the prop shaft housing slines off along the bolts.

Try tapping GENTLY as Elvin suggested first.

This is all a matter of having basic mechanics knowledge. If it seems daunting, get thee to a dealer for assistance.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 12, 2009
Re: NS5B Gasket kit sourcing.

Success! I was able to knock the part a little out of line, and some small taps got it out about 1mm. Then I put it in a set of tabletop rubber clamp bench vise, and was able to turn it until it came out.

The gears look amazing! This is such a relief. Now for just a few more questions: What is the best way to clean out the gearcase (as far as products go), Lastly, the top portion of the gearcase seems just as hard to remove (portion the impeller sits on). I got the seal kit and want to replace those 2 gaskets that are on that metal block the water pump sits on. I tried prying, just more force?

Also- I apologize if I should be starting new threads, I just figure people hate one person "spamming" the forum with questions with multiple threads.

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Apr 20, 2008
Re: NS5B Gasket kit sourcing.

If there is oily residue in the gearcase, and low-volatility shop solvent (kerosene or mineral spirits, etc.) will help you clean it. Otherwise, just let the lube drain.

The lower wp housing fits very closely to the LU case, so some effort will be needed. Just don't scar the gasket mating surfaces.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 12, 2009
Re: NS5B Gasket kit sourcing.

Putting carb back together, I cant seem to figure out where the larger rubber cap goes. The service manual is no help, and the parts diagram shows it as #4 (34603-2560) on this pic:

http://www.**********/parts/search/Nissan/Outboard/2002 And Earlier/NS5B/CARBURETOR/parts.html

However, I don't know where it is pushing into. Also, the smaller rubber cap goes under the plate at the top of the carb with the flat oval shaped rubber cap yes? Kinda feel like the service manual was a waste of money!?!


Apr 20, 2008
Re: NS5B Gasket kit sourcing.

The rubber plug covers the slow jet. That forces the slow jet to get its supply via the main jet. see the diagram:
