Check out maxrules for a wiring diagram. Pick a diagram for a motor close in year and with the same number of cylinders. Anything after 1980 should be close.
That motor will have ADI ignition. That is the flywheel spins generating voltage in the stator. This voltage is fed to the switchbox, and when the trigger signal is received, a pulse of voltage is fed to one of the ign coils. So your issue is bad stator, bad switchbox, bad trigger, bad ign switch or bad wiring.
Usually the engine needs to spin 300RPM when cranking to generate spark. If unsure, remove spark plugs to make it spin faster.
Disconnect the black/yellow wire at the switchbox and see if spark returns. If so, ign killer wire is grounded somewhere, perhaps the ign keyswitch.
A service manual will have ohm tests for coils, stator, and possibly the trigger. CDI Electronics may have a test for the switchbox, but I would start with inspecting the wiring.