All of a sudden I’ve got nothing when I turn the key! Not even a starter solenoid click, but can hear the primer solenoid click when ignition is pushed in! Checked fuses and all is well there! I do have plenty of voltage going to the solenoid, but can’t jumper it and get any results! Starter motor will engage when connecting cables directly from the battery(which is good)! Checked and cleaned all connections. Still nothing! Took apart the controller to access the switch! Checked neutral safety switch and kill switch! Also did continuity tests on all wires from the switch to the red plug! All good! Then ran a jumper from the yellow/red wire at the switch to where it connects to the solenoid! Now I can jumper the solenoid and the ‘82 150 comes to life! I’ve ordered a new ignition switch, thinking that’s the problem but would like this form’s excellent opinions! So very sorry for the length of this post! Thanks!