No one lists the cost of there restoration why??


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 1, 2009
Re: No one lists the cost of there restoration why??

I think it's nearly impossible to keep track of what is spent. You could keep receipts of what you buy for the boat, but what about the other stuff? Like all the beer one drinks while working on the boat. I have never drank so much beer until I started restoring my boat. Also, the gas one uses while going to HD or Lowes or local hardware store. Is that included into the amount spent? Home Depot and Lowes are like 20 miles away from my house so every trip incites going to IN-N-Out or somewhere else.

I was initially going to keep accurate record of all the money spent, but soon realized that it was impossible due to all those other little things that increase the amount spent. The way I see it is that if I was not restoring the boat, I would not have driven 20 miles to buy some screws, then have gone to have something to eat, then while at it bought a 30 pk of Bud Light, drive 20 miles back home, and would not have sat infront of the boat for a few hours trying to decide what to do next. Are hours that are spent planning your next move included into the total hours spent restoring your boat?